Away in a Manger (NORMANDY) – accompanied handbell duet

Our handbell duet Away in a Manger is an arrangement of the slightly less familiar NORMANDY tune. It still is lovely and thoughtful… just in a different way. This duet score is relatively easy, but expressive in the spirit of the melody.

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
the little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head;
the stars in the heavens looked down where He lay,
the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.

If you don’t happen to have an accompanist available, we also have an accompaniment MP3 available for purchase.

Purchasing this arrangement gives you permission to print and maintain the number of copies needed your handbell ensemble (plus the accompaniment score) – so you only need to pay once. Purchase also gives permission for performance, broadcasting, live-streaming and video-sharing online. See our licensing agreement for full details, and please remember to mention the title and arranger of the piece on video-sharing sites, social media and any printed materials such as concert programs.

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