Amazing Grace – Twelve handbells, version 2

I suppose that, given there are a finite number of hymn tunes in existence, that at some point there will arise the opportunity to make a second (or third, or…) arrangement of a melody that’s been done previously. Today, we’re publishing our second twelve-bell arrangement of Amazing Grace!

This new arrangement inhabits the same webpage as the first one, except that you have to scroll farther down. Both have demo videos so that you can compare them. While the first arrangement is written as a church Gospel waltz, the second version prides itself on being more accessible – so if you need Amazing Grace for twelve bells but have a tight practice schedule, our second version should be perfect for your ensemble!

Purchasing this 12-bell arrangement gives you permission to print and maintain up to six copies for your handbell group – so you only need to pay once. Purchase also gives permission for performance, broadcasting, live-streaming and video-sharing online. See our licensing agreement for full details, and please remember to mention the title and arranger of the piece on video-sharing sites, social media and any printed materials such as concert programs.

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