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God Uses the Small

God Uses the Small
Dedicated to Julia Subjack
I Corinthians 1:26-31


Choral score: $25.00 US
Accompaniment track: $10.00 US

God has a special way of showing how He can accomplish great things through people who are fundamentally unable to them. It’s one of the way’s He demonstrates His greatness – He takes Christians in their utter weakness and grants themn the privilege of serving Him in such a way as to make it obvious that He’s doing all the work. Jesus said, “Without Me, you can do nothing.” Paul wrote, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” And Hebrews 11 tells of how our great examples of faith testified of the Lord’s power working in their lives.

I think of this and see Polycarp, who at the age of 91 was put to the test and commanded to deny his Lord. Polycarp told his persecutors, “Eighty-five years I have served Christ and He has done me no wrong. How can I deny Him who has been so faithful to me?” Think of this old gentleman standing up to the might of the Roman Empire! And so this story has been repeated many, many times – and those who have been martyred will one day have the opportunity to tell of what God did in their lives through Jesus Christ – forever.

Fellow Christian: If you’re small; if you’re young; if you don’t think you’re talented enough or strong enough or wise enough – then you’re the perfect candidate for God’s service! He is willing to use weak people who are committed to Him to prove how great He is. Surrender yourself to Him today!

The clue? Those of you who know Julia will readily acknowledge that she’s petite. And those of you who’ve gotten to know her will understand the song’s title acronym…

God uses the small to confound the great,
The unseen to thwart those which are known,
The faithful to bring hope to those without faith
That His power might be shown.

“My grace is sufficient for you,”
says the Lord, the God of great and small,
“And My strength is perfected in the weak
when by faith to Me they call.”

“My peace I give to you,”
says our God, the everlasting Lord,
“To those without hope I give confidence
when they put their faith in My Word.”

“My joy is yours evermore,
says our Master and King,
“To the dead in sin I give new life,
I rescue the perishing.”

Purchasing this score gives you permission to print and maintain the number of copies needed by your ensemble – so you only need to pay once. Purchase also gives permission for performance, broadcasting, live-streaming and video-sharing online. See our licensing agreement for full details, and please remember to mention the title and arranger of the piece on video-sharing sites, social media and any printed materials such as concert programs.

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