That Easter Day with Joy was Bright is sung to the 15th century hymn tune PUER NOBIS. Our accompanied eight-bell arrangement of this hymn is published under the alternate Advent title On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry.
That Easter day with joy was bright:
The sun shone out with fairer light
When, to their longing eyes restored,
The_apostles saw their risen Lord!
His risen flesh with radiance glowed;
His wounded hands and feet He showed;
Those scars their solemn witness gave
That Christ was risen from the grave.
O Jesus, King of gentleness,
With constant love our hearts possess
That we may give You all our days
The tribute of our grateful praise.
O Lord of all, with us abide
In this our joyful Eastertide;
From ev’ry weapon death can wield
Your own redeemed forever shield.
All praise to you, O risen Lord,
Now both by heav’n and earth adored;
To God the Father equal praise,
And God the Spirit, now we raise!
Purchasing this 8-bell arrangement gives you permission to print and maintain up to four copies for your handbell group (plus the accompaniment/instrumental score(s), if part of the purchase) – so you only need to pay once. Purchase also gives permission for performance, broadcasting, live-streaming and video-sharing online. See our licensing agreement for full details, and please remember to mention the title and arranger of the piece on video-sharing sites, social media and any printed materials such as concert programs.
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