AOL Issues?

Dear Friends,

We’ve noticed that some of our customers with email addresses at haven’t been getting their download links after making purchases. So far, we’ve established that the problem appears to be due to AOL’s thinking that those emails are something they should block. We’ve asked our Internet Service Provider to look into this (they actually “own” the IP address our site uses, and so must be the ones to make the request), but apparently they haven’t been able to make progress yet. They’ve told us that AOL thinks of Choraegus as a “neutral” (i.e. non-spam) site, so we think things should work properly.

If you’re having any trouble, please help us by telling AOL that you’re trying to buy music from us, and make a request on our behalf for them to whitelist, and if you still have difficulties, send us an email and we’ll figure out how to deliver your music. Thanks for your patience!