LWCP – Seeking New Vistas
The seventh year of the Living Water Composition Project was a busy, busy one in many ways other than music. I got into working on Choraegus more (and actually made some sales!), worked quite a bit on this website, and returned to the Valley Church handbell choir, among other things.
The result was that my compositional efforts were of somewhat lesser magnitude, and so there were only four songs. To be sure, part of the difficulty was also due to Living Water not having that many members who were without songs, but that’s just an excuse… For the sake of having more opportunities to augment the LWCP, I decided that I’d like to write songs for each of the members from the pre-LWCP years. This means another seventy songs, and it’ll be exciting to see how many of them I can finish in the next few seasons – particularly with the Living Water reunion coming up in August 1997!