Category: Choraegus

O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go

Now and then we’ll be in church, and ask ourselves, “Would the song we just sang work with just eight bells?” Then we check the hymnal, count the number of melody notes, and start wondering… until we get home and try writing an arrangement. That’s what happened with O Love That Wilt Not Let Me …

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New Eight-Bell Music!

We have one more eight-handbell hymn arrangement to share before we start bringing our new Christmas selections out!

Go Tell It on the Mountain

Bass handbell ensemble music hasn’t been doing a lot of growth since Low Ding Zone decided to head off into the sunset. Come to think of it, LDZ might have been the only source of music of that sort for most of its existence. Anyway, one piece that LDZ might have played, but certainly never …

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Friends with Videos

No… not *those* kinds of friends with videos… (nudge, nudge, 😉 😉 ) Actually, we’re referring to friends who like playing our music enough to post videos to the Internet. It’s exciting when this happens, because it means that someone else is ministering to their church family, or learning new skills, or just plain having …

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Twelve-Bell Christmas Music is Here!

We’ve been holding onto five new twelve-bell Christmas arrangements, and the time has come to let you have a look at them. You’ll find them to be loads of fun, and there’s plenty of time to prepare them for the holidays! Here are our new pieces – we hope you enjoy playing them! Angels We …

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Welcome to the New Season!

If you’re a church musician, August/September is about the time to start the new season (should I delay the first rehearsal until after Labor Day*? what can we have ready for the first Sunday we’re scheduled? And so on, and so forth). If you’re in a minor squeeze because that first service with music is …

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Praise Him! Praise Him!

We’re in Harbor Springs, Michigan for a few days. It turns out that we’ve arrived on the hottest weekend of the whole year – it’s about 90º F. outside, so we’re thankful for air conditioning! We have a day to kick back before rehearsals start tomorrow, and plan to have a nice time, probably in …

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Sixteen Bells and Michigan

We’ve added a new sixteen-handbell score to our catalog, Prelude No. 1 from J.S. Bach’s “Well-Tempered Clavier”. You can play it as a four-in-hand quartet (as friends from Bells of the Sound demonstrate in their video), or you can gather as many as eight musicians to play it. Take a look! * * * We’re …

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Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Today, we’re releasing our new eight-handbell arrangement of “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”. It’s a great piece with which to start the new season, especially if you’d like to give your full-size bell choir a bit of additional time to prepare their first piece for service. Do take a look, and pick up the …

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Wrong Foot Forward

We’ve just released our arrangement of “Wrong Foot Forward”, a new generation Irish jig by Brian Finnegan and Sarah Allen of the band Flook. It’s on their album “Haven” – and it’s a lot of fun! You might ask yourself why Brian and Sarah chose this title. Well… there are two kinds of Irish jigs. …

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