Category: Christmas

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (WALTHAM) – eight handbells with piano

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day is a pre-Civil War song that sets a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to the tune WALTHAM by John Baptiste Calkin. The theme is “peace on earth, good will to men”, and the words reflect on how hopelessness will give way to glory. The score for our piano-accompanied …

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If you’d like to play and hear bells on Christmas Day – Secret Santa redux!

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day is a pre-Civil War song that sets a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to the tune WALTHAM by John Baptiste Calkin. The theme is “peace on earth, good will to men”, and the words reflect on how hopelessness will give way to glory. And on Christmas Day 2021, …

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Secret Santa

Just for today (Christmas Eve 2021), we have a little gift for you. Our new twelve-bell version of Silent Night is free of charge! Merry Christmas from Choraegus! Larry & Carla

Silent Night (STILLE NACHT) – Twelve handbells

Franz Gruber’s lovely carol has enchanted people for two centuries. In case you happen to visit Oberdorf von Salzburg, Austria, you can see the original Silent Night Chapel there. Or… if you’re in the Great Lakes region, you can see the Silent Night Chapel modeled after it in Frankenmuth, Michigan! Silent night! Holy night! / …

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Happy Birthday to Us!

Thank you to those of you who have purchased and played our music! We’ve enjoyed seeing your videos, and have sometimes even been able to been there to see you from the audience. We appreciate having a part in your performances, and even more, in your ministries. Perhaps it underscores the thought that we’re all …

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Hills of the North, Rejoice (LITTLE CORNARD) (eight handbells and piano)

Hills of the North, Rejoice is usually sung in the United Kingdom as an Advent song. Here’s our arrangement for eight handbells and piano. Hills of the North, rejoice, river and mountain-spring, hark to the advent voice; valley and lowland, sing. Christ comes in righteousness and love, He brings salvation from above. Isles of the …

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Love Came Down at Christmas (GARTAN) (eight handbells and piano)

Christina Rossetti wrote the poem Love Came Down at Christmas in 1885. It traditionally has been set to the Irish traditional tune GARTAN. This arrangement for eight handbells and piano expresses her words quietly and peacefully. Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love Divine, Love was born at Christmas, Star and Angels gave …

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Away in a Manger (CRADLE SONG) for six handbells and piano

The Christ Child has been born, and sleeps in the manger. This gentle arrangement for six handbells and piano tells the Christmas story with a quiet elegance. Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, the little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head; the stars in the heavens looked down where He lay, …

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Gesu Bambino (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves with piano, Level 3)

Gesu Bambino (“the Christ Child”) is a Nativity song from 1917. It’s a lullaby for the Child, but also a call to worship for all others as He awaits them at the Bethlehem manger. Pietro A. Yon, the composer, created the melody so that it would mesh perfectly with VENITE ADOREMUS (“O come, let us …

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Gesu Bambino (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves with piano, Level 3)

Gesu Bambino (“the Christ Child”) is a Nativity song from 1917. It’s a lullaby for the Child, but also a call to worship for all others as He awaits them at the Bethlehem manger. Pietro A. Yon, the composer, created the melody so that it would mesh perfectly with VENITE ADOREMUS (“O come, let us …

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