Category: Christmas

Los Peces en el Rio (for eight handbells)

This Spanish Christmas carol was part of our “A Carol a Day” postings a couple of years ago, but somehow it escaped official publication! It’s a lively song about how the fish in the river – “los peces en el rio” – rejoiced at the birth of Christ. Here’s where you can find our eight-bell …

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Los Peces en el Rio – Eight handbells

This traditional Spanish Christmas carol has an interesting story in the lyrics: The baby Jesus has been born, and because life has its demands, Mary is described as going about her normal doings in the same say you and I would (well, except for being a parent of the Child who is the Son of …

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We have free stuff! That, of course, is so you can get a taste of what we have here at Choraegus. We do hope that you’ll be back to check out the rest of our store, but we’d like to give you a chance to see what’s here first. A large, large portion of our …

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Cold December Flies Away (LO DESEMBRE CONGELAT) – Eight handbells

This Catalonian carol is called Cold December Flies Away in English. El desembre congelat / Confús es retira. Abril, de flors coronat, / Tot el món admira, Quan en un jardí d’amor / Neix una divina flor D’una ro, ro, ro, / D’una sa, sa, sa, D’una ro, / D’una sa, D’una rosa bella, / …

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In the Bleak Midwinter – Eight Handbells and Organ

The poem often comes first… Christina Rosetti wrote the words for Scribner’s Monthly in 1872, and then a few years later (1906, to be precise), Gustav Holst set her verse to music. The result: In the Bleak Midwinter, one of the most reflective and well-loved of all Christmas songs. We have not only the eight-bell …

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Gift shopping for Christmas (or anytime)!

We’ve just added a new feature to our e-store to make it easy and fun for you to give the gift of our music to your family and friends. Now you can buy gift certificates – all you have to do is purchase, download, print, and give! They’re available in amounts of $10, $20, $50, …

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How to Purchase Music from Choraegus

It’s simple! Find each piece of music that you want to buy, and press the “Add to Cart” button to put it into your (electronic) shopping cart. Check the quantity of each piece you’re ordering to be sure you’re getting the correct number for your needs. For details, please see our Licensing Agreement. When you’ve …

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Accompanied twelve-bell music for Christmas!

We usually play unaccompanied eight-handbell music. Maybe that’s because it’s easier to get together to practice; only two of us have to head to the rehearsal room. However, we do realize that many of you may have larger groups, or might want to include a pianist. So we have a couple of new Christmas arrangements …

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Choraegus has loads of handbell music for you to try, rehearse, and perform. We have scores of all sizes: Six accompanied handbells. Two or three ringers, plus piano accompaniment. Eight handbells. Two to four ringers, sometimes with piano or organ accompaniment. Our eight-bell pieces come in two varieties: “standard” and “Surprisingly Easy”™ (sometimes described as …

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From Starry Skies Descending – Eight handbells

The Italian carol Tu scendi dalle stelle is lovely, though perhaps less familiar to Americans than others. This arrangement will bring new joy to your holiday services and celebrations. Tu scendi dalle stelle, O Re del Cielo, e vieni in una grotta, al freddo al gelo. O Bambino mio Divino Io ti vedo qui a …

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