Benjamin Hanby wrote this famous Christmas song in 1864. It’s excited children every Christmas Eve since then! Up on the housetop reindeer pause, Out jumps Good Old Santa Claus Down through the chimney with lots of toys All for the little ones Christmas joys. Ho, ho ho! Who wouldn’t go? Ho, ho ho! Who wouldn’t …
Category: Christmas
O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright (WIE SCHON LEUCHTET DER MORGENSTERN) – Eight handbells
O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright tells of many wonderful attributes of the Son of God and how apprehension of them leads us to give ourselves to Him in humility and worshipfulness. This sixteenth-century Epiphany hymn was harmonized by J.S. Bach in 1731. O Morning Star, how fair and bright Thou beamest forth in …
Dec 19
A Carol A Day!
We’ve been posting new recordings of some of our eight-bell Christmas music on the Larry and Carla Facebook page. Do take a look – the dates below will take you to the Facebook posts, and the titles will take you to the pages on this site where you can purchase music! December 26: Angels from …
The Seven Joys of Mary – Eight handbells
Mary had, as Jesus’ mother, some very special memories. Jesus was more than a doctor; He healed the sick and raised the dead. He was more than a lawyer; He knew the Law better than the priests did. He wasn’t just a prophet; He was the central focus of Biblical prophecy and its overall purpose. …
Nov 24
Ding Dong, Merrily on High
It’s not too late to add one more piece to your eight-bell Christmas repertoire! This time we have something different: A handbells-and-keyboard collaboration on Ding Dong, Merrily on High. There are both piano and organ accompaniments available, and we’re sure you’ll enjoy them!
Ding Dong, Merrily on High – Eight handbells
The sixteenth-century English tune Ding Dong, Merrily on High is quite popular at Christmas. It reflects the joy of the season, and invites us to share in the joy of heaven at the birth of the Son of God. Ding dong merrily on high, In heav’n the bells are ringing: Ding dong! verily the sky …
Ding Dong, Merrily on High – Eight Handbells with Organ or Piano, plus optional flute
The sixteenth-century English tune Ding Dong, Merrily on High is quite popular at Christmas. It reflects the joy of the season, and invites us to share in the joy of heaven at the birth of the Son of God. Here we have a team effort between eight handbells and a keyboard instrument (piano or organ). …
In the Bleak Midwinter – Twelve handbells and piano
The poem often comes first… Christina Rosetti wrote the words for Scribner’s Monthly in 1872, and then a few years later (1906, to be precise), Gustav Holst set her verse to music. The result: In the Bleak Midwinter, one of the most reflective and well-loved of all Christmas songs. We have not only the eight-bell …
Still, Still, Still – Twelve handbells and piano
Still, Still, Still is a Christmas lullaby that reminds us that the Christ Child sleeps, and that He sleeps under the watchful eyes of the angels of heaven. Still, still, still, One can hear the falling snow. For all is hushed, The world is sleeping, Holy Star its vigil keeping. Still, still, still, One can …
Still, Still, Still – Handbell solo
The Christmas lullaby Still, Still, Still reminds us that the Christ Child sleeps, and that He sleeps under the watchful eyes of the angels of heaven. Still, still, still, One can hear the falling snow. For all is hushed, The world is sleeping, Holy Star its vigil keeping. Still, still, still, One can hear the …