Category: Christmas

Larry and Carla’s Eight-Bell Christmas Collection

We’ve noticed that our friends have been enjoying our “Surprisingly Easy”™ Christmas collections, and thought that it would be fun to create a “Standard” Christmas collection for those of you who are more adventurous. The seven arrangements in this collection are more challenging than their “Surprisingly Easy”™ counterparts, so you’ll have more fun. You’ll need …

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Ye Jazzy Gentlemen (Handbells, 5 octaves plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 4-)

The inspiration to do something interesting hits now and then. This a la Brubeck arrangement “Ye Jazzy Gentlemen” came into being one day, and I sent it to the erstwhile Above the Line Publishing. Rima’s response was “I don’t normally publish Christmas music, but this one’s so cool that I CAN’T not.” NOW it’s available …

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Yay! Free Music!

We made an update to our “standard” eight-bell arrangement of ‘Twas in the Moon of Wintertime recently. Because only the first page was changed, we’ve decided to offer it as a free download until Sunday, November 22nd. Come and get your free copy – you’ll love playing it!

Go Tell It on the Mountain

Bass handbell ensemble music hasn’t been doing a lot of growth since Low Ding Zone decided to head off into the sunset. Come to think of it, LDZ might have been the only source of music of that sort for most of its existence. Anyway, one piece that LDZ might have played, but certainly never …

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LDZ Arrangements – Go Tell It On the Mountain – Bass handbell ensemble

The Christmas song Go Tell It On the Mountain gets a new twist as a bass handbell ensemble arrangement. Here’s how it sounds, as performed by the Seattle Bass Handbell Ensemble. Preview: Price: $ US Score package includes full score and split handbell part scores. Also available for 8 handbells, 12 handbells, and handbell choir. …

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We Three Kings – Twelve handbells

We Three Kings tells of special visitors on the first Epiphany. Well… in actuality the Bible doesn’t say precisely how many wise men visited the Christ Child in the Bethlehem manger. But it does record that they brought three special gifts – gold, frankincense, and myrrh – so that seems to hint that there might …

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It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (CAROL) – Twelve handbells

Edmund Sears wrote the words to It Came Upon the Midnight Clear in 1849, and it’s sung on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean (just with different tunes). This arrangement is to the American melody, CAROL, composed by Richard Storrs Willis. It came upon the midnight clear, that glorious song of old, From angels bending …

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Ding Dong, Merrily on High – Twelve-Handbell Version

The sixteenth-century English tune Ding Dong, Merrily on High is quite popular at Christmas. It reflects the joy of the season, and invites us to share in the joy of heaven at the birth of the Son of God. Ding dong merrily on high, / In heav’n the bells are ringing: Ding dong! verily the …

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Bring a Torch, Jeanette Isabella – Twelve handbells

In this charming sixteenth-century French carol Bring a Torch, Jeanette Isabella, a young girl is sent to bring a torch/candle to bring light to the stable where the Christ Child sleeps. Un flambeau, Jeanette, Isabelle, Un flambeau, courons au berceau! C’est Jésus, bonnes gens du hameau, Le Christ est né, Marie appelle, Ah! Ah! que …

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Angels We Have Heard on High – Twelve handbells

The Christmas carol Angels We Have Heard on High, sung to the French tune GLORIA is one of rejoicing! Angels we have heard on high, Sweetly singing o’er the plains And the mountains in reply, Echoing their joyous strains. Gloria in excelsis Deo. Gloria in excelsis Deo. Shepherds, why this jubilee? Why your joyous strains …

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