Ho, ho, ho! That’s what Santa Claus usually says. Historically, the original St. Nicholas was also known as “Nicholas the Wonderworker”, and he had a love of giving gifts, often in secret. We can imagine that he must have gone about with a big smile – because he knew where the gifts went, and could …
Category: Christmas
Comfort, Comfort Ye My People (WERDE MUNTER/PSALM 42) – Eight handbells
In 1671, Johannes Olearius set the opening passage of Isaiah 40 to a melody by Johann Schop, and it later was translated by Catherine Winkworth into English. We love this tune because of its varying meter because it keeps it alive and bouncy! Comfort, comfort, ye My people / Speak ye peace, thus saith our …
Carol of the Drum – Eight handbells
In 1941 Katherine Davis took a traditional Czech Christmas carol and set words to it. The story was derived from the title of the source material… and now everyone seems to know it by her title “The Little Drummer Boy”. “Come”, they told me – Pa rum pum pum pum A new born King to …
A la Media Noche – Eight handbells
Living in this world means getting to rub shoulders with people from many different cultures. We’ve learned that there’s a rich heritage that our Hispanic friends have to share with us. Here’s a carol from Puerto Rico, the title of which, A la media noche, translates to “at midnight”. A la media noche al rigor …
People Look East (BESANÇON) – Eight handbells
The anticipation of the Savior’s birth in Bethlehem and the joy it would bring is displayed in this Advent hymn. Our arrangement is lively and exciting, and we hope you’ll envision the celebration that occurred at the manger and in heaven as you play it! People, look east. The time is near / Of the …
In the Bleak Midwinter (CRANHAM) – Eight handbells
The poem often comes first… Christina Rosetti wrote the words for Scribner’s Monthly in 1872, and then a few years later (1906, to be precise), Gustav Holst set her verse to music. The result: In the Bleak Midwinter, one of the most reflective and well-loved of all Christmas songs. We have not only the eight-bell …
Larry and Carla’s Second “Surprisingly Easy”™ Christmas Collection
Welcome to our second “surprisingly easy” Christmas eight-bell collection! This set of arrangements complements our first Christmas collection – so if you have our first collection, you could combine the pieces from both to make a complete concert program! You can play this music with two four-in-hand ringers… or you could have four ringers with …
See, Amid the Winter’s Snow (HUMILITY) – Eight handbells
See, Amid the Winter’s Snow is a beautiful English carol, music composed by Sir John Goss. See amid the winter’s snow, Born for us on earth below, See, the gentle Lamb appears, Promised from eternal years. Hail that ever blessed morn, Hail redemption’s happy dawn, Sing through all Jerusalem: Christ is born in Bethlehem. Say, …
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly (INFANT HOLY, INFANT LOWLY) – Eight handbells
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly is a reflection on the wonder of the Christ Child in the manger – it’s the mystery of God coming to live among us on earth. Infant holy, infant lowly, for his bed a cattle stall; oxen lowing, little knowing Christ the babe is Lord of all. Swift are winging angels …
Whence is that Goodly Fragrance Flowing? (QUELLE EST CETTE ODEUR) – Eight handbells
QUELLE EST CETTE ODEUR AGREABLE (what is that fragrance?)is a pretty French carol describing the wonder of Christ’s coming to Earth – think of the wonderful scent of a special incense wafting through the air you’re breathing; it’s a representation of all the great and good things – especially salvation – that Jesus came to …