Category: Handbell Ensemble

De Drie Koningen – Eight handbells

This is a Flemish Epiphany song from the 15th or 16th century. For us, it elicits pictures of the Magi and their long, long journey taken in hope of finding the Christ Child. Laatst waren er drie Koningen wijs Zij reisden alover het sneeuwwit ijs Al over’t land G’heel triomphant, Om Jesus te zoeken; Dien …

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Silent Night (STILLE NACHT) – Eight handbells

Franz Gruber’s lovely carol has enchanted people for two centuries. In case you happen to visit Oberdorf von Salzburg, Austria, you can see the original Silent Night Chapel there. Or… if you’re in the Great Lakes region, you can see the Silent Night Chapel modeled after it in Frankenmuth, Michigan! Silent night! Holy night! / …

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Go Tell It on the Mountain (GO TELL IT) – Eight handbells

The birth of the Christ Child has been an occasion for great joy for centuries. Go Tell It on the Mountain gives us both the command to proclaim the coming of the Savior as well as a song by which to declare it. Go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere; go, …

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How Great Our Joy (JUNGST) – Eight handbells

Joy is celebrated many ways. This “call and response” carol provides a special opportunity to show what’s possible with handbells, because of consecutive phrases that are alternately forte and piano. While by the sheep we watched at night, glad tidings brought an angel bright. How great our joy! Great our joy! Joy, joy, joy! Joy, …

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It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (NOEL) – Eight handbells

It Came Upon the Midnight Clear is sung to a couple of different melodies. The tune NOEL is the one more frequently used in England. It came upon the midnight clear, that glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth to touch their harps of gold: “Peace on the earth, good will to …

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Creator of the Stars of Night (CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM) – Eight handbells

The 7th century Latin hymn Creator of the Stars of Night was translated into English by John M. Neale in 1852. It’s a thoughtful plainchant fitting a quiet, clear Christmas night. Creator of the stars of night, Thy people’s everlasting light, Jesu, Redeemer, save us all, And hear Thy servants when they call. Thou, grieving …

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De Zak van Sinterklaas (Santa’s Bag) – Eight handbells

The legend of Santa Claus appears in many countries. In Holland, he’s known as “Sinterklaas”. The translation of the title of this song is “Santa’s bag”. “De zak van Sinterklaas Sinterklaas, Sinterklaas de zak van Sinterklaas o jongens, jongens ‘t is zo’n baas. Daar stopt hij, daar stopt hij daar stopt hij blij van zin …

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The Cherry Tree Carol (CHERRY TREE CAROL) – Eight handbells

Here’s an eight-handbell arrangement of this medieval Cornish carol. The words tell of how the cherry tree willingly gave of its fruit to the Christ Child. Joseph was an old man, / An old man was he; He married sweet Mary, / The queen of Galilee. As they want a-walking, / In the garden so …

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The Friendly Beasts (ORIENTIS PARTIBUS) – Eight handbells

The Friendly Beasts is sung to the medieval French melody ORIENTIS PARTIBUS. It’s a story about how the animals in Bethlehem were willing to sacrifice to make the beginning of Jesus’ life on earth easier. Jesus, our brother, strong and good, / was humbly born in a stable rude, and the friendly beasts around Him …

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Pat-a-Pan – Eight handbells

Pat-a-Pan‘s title is onomatapoeic (“sounding like”) in nature, mimicking the sound of a drum. Later on, the lyric “tu-re-lu-re-lu” imitates the sound of a flute. The story is a bit like that of Carol of the Drum, where percussion is part of the worship of the Christ-child. Guillaume, prends ton tambourin, Toi, prends ta flûte, …

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