We’ve noticed that our friends have been enjoying our “Surprisingly Easy”™ Christmas collections, and thought that it would be fun to create a “Standard” Christmas collection for those of you who are more adventurous. The seven arrangements in this collection are more challenging than their “Surprisingly Easy”™ counterparts, so you’ll have more fun. You’ll need …
Category: Handbell Ensemble
Heather’s Dance – Handbells, Harp, and C/Bb/Eb/F Instrument
Dancing in the Highlands is the picture for this unusual trio (… a quartet if you add bodhran!), Heather’s Dance, originally scored for handbells, harp, and bowed psaltery. Bells scored are D5, E5, F#5, G5, A5, B5, C6, D6, E6, F#6, G6, A6, B6, C6, D6, and E6, with D6-E7 on bell tree). Keyboard may …
Beethoven – Ode to Joy – Eight handbells
Beethoven wrote nine symphonies. He was an amazing composer, creating wonderful music during his later years even though he had gone deaf. One of his best known symphonic melodies in the choral world is the “Ode to Joy” from his final symphony, the tune for the hymn Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee. Joyful, joyful, we …
Handel – Air from Water Music Suite in F Major (HWV 348) – Eight handbells
G.F. Handel spent some years in England, and at one point wrote music for King George I that was to be played not just at, but on (a barge on) the River Thames. He create three such suites of music, and many of the pieces therefrom are played today frequently. Standard Version: ”Dual-Range”™ Score Package: …
Handel – Bourée from Water Music Suite in D Major (HWV 349) – Eight handbells
G.F. Handel spent some years in England, and at one point wrote music for King George I that was to be played not just at, but on (a barge on) the River Thames. He create three such suites of music, and many of the pieces therefrom are played today frequently. Standard Version: ”Dual-Range”™ Score Package: …
Crown Him with Many Crowns (DIADEMATA) – Eight handbells
Jesus Christ is so incredibly far above everything else in this universe that He deserves all of our love and worship. The hymn Crown Him with Many Crowns gives a small idea of what this means, but His greatness still exceeds any description we can muster. It’s fitting that it’s set to the hymn tune …
Sibelius – Finlandia – Eight handbells
Sibelius composed Finlandia as a musical protest against the Russian Empire. The entire work is a majestic presentation that tells the story of the Finnish struggle against tyranny. It’s full of musical pictures of what that part of history was like. Finland, behold, thy daylight now is dawning, the threat of night has now been …
As With Gladness Men of Old (DIX) – Eight handbells
As you many know, this Christmas carol is sung to the hymn tune DIX (named for its composer, William Chatterton Dix), which also is used for our eight-handbell arrangement of the hymn For the Beauty of the Earth. Purchasing this 8-bell arrangement gives you permission to print and maintain up to four copies for your …
Faith of Our Fathers (ST. CATHERINE) – Eight handbells
The Christian faith is all about continuity. God has made the Church so that it grows and lives by believers telling other people about His infinite grace and the salvation they can have. Many of us can trace a bit of our “spiritual lineage” through those who made it possible for us to come to …
LDZ Arrangements – Go Tell It On the Mountain – Bass handbell ensemble
The Christmas song Go Tell It On the Mountain gets a new twist as a bass handbell ensemble arrangement. Here’s how it sounds, as performed by the Seattle Bass Handbell Ensemble. Preview: Price: $ US Score package includes full score and split handbell part scores. Also available for 8 handbells, 12 handbells, and handbell choir. …