Category: Handbells

His Eye is on the Sparrow (SPARROW) – for Twelve Handbells

The Bible tells us that God watches over His children, even to the count of the hairs on our heads. Jesus reminded us that the Lord even keeps track of every sparrow in the world, knowing when they live or die – and reminds us that to Him, we are of much greater value than …

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His Eye is On the Sparrow (SPARROW) – Twelve handbells

The Almighty God is worthy of the worship we give Him. Part of this worship comes in the form of singing, and His Eye is On the Sparrow provides a way to raise our voices to honor Him. Why should I feel discouraged? Why should the shadows come? Why should my heart be lonely and …

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O Come, O Come Emmanuel (VENI EMMANUEL) – Sixteen handbells

The Advent song O Come, O Come, Emmanuel as we know it today, is adapted from a fifteenth-century French melody, but may originate from as far back as possibly the 12th century. It first appeared in English as translated by John M. Neale in 1851. It’s a prayer by those who hoped that the Christ …

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From a Distant Home (ISLA DEL ENCANTO) – for Sixteen Handbells

We have a sixteen-bell arrangement of the Puerto Rican carol ISLA DEL ENCANTO which will add to your Christmas celebration!

From a Distant Home (ISLA DEL ENCANTO) – Sixteen handbells

This joyous Puerto Rican Christmas carol From a Distant Home fits beautifully into sixteen bells. Spanish: De tierra lejana venimos a verte, nos sirve de guia la estrella de Oriente. Oh brillante estrella que anuncias la aurora no nos falte nunca tu luz bienhechora. Gloria en las alturas al Hijo de Dios, Gloria en las …

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Come, Thou Almighty King (ITALIAN HYMN) – for Sixteen Handbells

If you have four capable four-in-hand ringers, you’ll enjoy playing our new sixteen-bell arrangement of Come, Thou Almighty King!

My Country ‘Tis of Thee – for Twelve Handbells

Here’s our twelve-handbell arrangement of My Country ‘Tis of Thee. Although it isn’t in time for the 2019 patriotic celebrations, you’ll have plenty of time to practice for next year!

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms – for Twelve Handbells

I love the hymns my church sang when I was a teenager. This one was always an expression of the total joy that comes from relying on God’s power to live life. Here’s our twelve-bell arrangement of Leaning on the Everlasting Arms! Update, January 2021: We’ve decided to take another look at this, and are …

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Leaning on the Everlasting Arms – Twelve handbells

I love the hymns my church sang when I was a teenager. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms was always an expression of the total joy that comes from relying on God’s power to live life. What a fellowship, what a joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arms; what a blessedness, what a peace is mine, …

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Beach Spring – for Twelve Handbells

The tune BEACH SPRING has been used as the setting for many hymn texts. Chances are that you’ll have at least one of them in your hymnal! Just to name a few: Come, All Christians, Be Committed As a Fire is Meant for Burning God of Day and God of Darkness Come and Find the …

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