In this charming sixteenth-century French carol Bring a Torch, Jeanette Isabella, a young girl is sent to bring a torch/candle to bring light to the stable where the Christ Child sleeps. Un flambeau, Jeanette, Isabelle, Un flambeau, courons au berceau! C’est Jésus, bonnes gens du hameau, Le Christ est né, Marie appelle, Ah! Ah! que …
Category: Twelve-Bell
Angels We Have Heard on High – Twelve handbells
The Christmas carol Angels We Have Heard on High, sung to the French tune GLORIA is one of rejoicing! Angels we have heard on high, Sweetly singing o’er the plains And the mountains in reply, Echoing their joyous strains. Gloria in excelsis Deo. Gloria in excelsis Deo. Shepherds, why this jubilee? Why your joyous strains …
Twelve-Bell Christmas
If you have three to six ringers available for a holiday performance, our twelve-bell Christmas music is for you! There are about twenty arrangements here; if you have all of them, that’s about an hour of music! You’ll find these pieces to be solid concert repertoire as well, so they can be used to create …
Greensleeves/What Child is This? – Twelve handbells
There are many stories about Greensleeves. Some historical references say that Henry VIII wrote it… but it had to be someone else because it was written after he’d died. However, it was “on the charts” by Shakespeare’s time, so it’s been around for quite a while, and often appears during Christmas in the form of …
Mar 17
Hooray! New twelve-bell music!
We have eight new titles that we’ve added today, and they’re all for twelve bells (C5,D5,E5,F5,G5,A5,B5,C6,D6,E6,F6,G6)! They’ve been arranged in the spirit of our eight-bell music: A fresh look at the genre with some fun twists for ringers to enjoy. Do take a look at them! Annie Laurie Greensleeves All Creatures of Our God and …
We Praise Thee, O God Our Redeemer/We Gather Together – Twelve handbells
The hymn We Praise Thee, O God Our Redeemer, also sung as We Gather Together, was adapted from a sixteenth-century Dutch folk song, and endures in our hymnody as a glorious way for us to turn our hearts to God. We praise you, O God, our Redeemer, Creator; in grateful devotion our tribute we bring; …
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (DIADEM) – Twelve handbells
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name is often sung at Easter, because it proclaims the greatness of our Lord and the salvation he has won for us. The lyric has been set to a number of hymn tunes; this arrangement uses the DIADEM melody. All hail the power of Jesus’ name! Let angels prostrate …
All Creatures of Our God and King – Twelve handbells
All Creatures of Our God and King reflects on the various aspects of the life that surrounds us. Each verse comes to same conclusion: Regardless of where we are or what happens, we are called to praise God for His greatness and goodness. All creatures of our God and King, lift up your voice and …
Annie Laurie – Twelve handbells
The Scottish song Annie Laurie (also known as Maxwelton Braes), is about a young woman, a soldier, and their romance. Although her father opposed their marriage, the story of their love still remains today. Maxwelton’s braes are bonnie, Where early fa’s the dew, ‘Twas there that Annie Laurie Gi’ed me her promise true. Gi’ed me …
Holy is the Lord – Twelve handbells
Franz Schubert wrote lots of music in his short lifespan of just thirty-one years. Holy is the Lord actually is liturgical in nature, but fits well in the classical category with so many of Schubert’s other works. Holy, holy, holy, Holy is the Lord. Holy, holy, holy, Holy is the Lord. Holy is the Father, …