Larry and Carla Sue started ringing handbells in 1987… on different continents! They each rang with several ensembles in England and the US. Carla was a member of the South East Regional Bell Orchestra (SERBO) and the Rowland Ringers, but within British handbell circles was better known for being a member of two ensembles: the trio Pizzazz (which represented the UK in a festival in Tallinn, Estonia), and the Finchampstead group Inspiration (which was nominated for a Queen’s Award for charitable service in 2012).
Larry rang with several church handbell choirs, and was a member of Bay Bells, one of the longest-running West Coast handbell ensembles, for a number of seasons. He probably is best-recognized as a bass ringing specialist, and for eight years (2005-2013) was the Artistic Figurehead and conceptual founder of Low Ding Zone, the World’s First Bass Handbell Ensemble. He is also the author of the Bass Ringer’s Notebook, an internationally recognized reference volume on the subject of bass handbell ringing.
Larry and Carla met online on a site for handbell aficionados, and later started getting to know each other on Facebook. The relationship progressed from there to Skype as well, and they (finally!) were married in September 2012. True to the form of the relationship, their wedding was livestreamed for the benefit of family and friends.
As West Michigan’s Smallest Handbell Choir (you can’t get any smaller than two ringers), they specialize in playing duets written for eight handbells, transforming that specific genre from a novice educational medium to full-scale professional performance repertoire which includes hymns, Christmas carols, folk songs, and classical works. These works are available for purchase at Choraegus, their music company, along with works for six, twelve, and sixteen handbells; full-sized handbell choirs; handbell ensembles of various sizes; and choral/vocal scores.
As performers and handbell clinicians, they are available for concerts, church services, weddings, memorial services, background music, workshops, and classes.