Here’s an eight-handbell arrangement of this medieval Cornish carol. The words tell of how the cherry tree willingly gave of its fruit to the Christ Child.
Joseph was an old man, / An old man was he;
He married sweet Mary, / The queen of Galilee.
As they want a-walking, / In the garden so gay;
Maid Mary spied cherries, / Hanging over yon tree.
Mary said to Joseph / With her sweet lips so mild,
“Pluck those cherries, Joseph, For to give to my Child.”
“O then,” replièd Joseph, / With words so unkind,
“I will pluck no cherries / For to give to thy Child.”
Mary said to cherry tree, / “Bow down to my knee,
That I may pluck cherries, / By one, two and three.”
Then the uppermost sprig then / Bowed down to her knee;
“Thus you may see, Joseph, / These cherries are for me.”
O eat your cherries, Mary, / O eat your cherries now,
O eat your cherries, Mary, / That grow upon the bough.
As Joseph was a-walking, / He heard angels sing,
“This night there shall be born, / Our heavenly king.”
“He neither shall be born / In house nor in hall,
Nor in the place of paradise, / But in an ox stall.”
“He shall not be clothed / In purple or pall;
But all in fair linen, / As wear babies all.”
“He shall not be rockèd / In silver nor gold,
But in a wooden cradle / That rocks on the mould.”
“He neither shall be christened / In milk nor in wine,
But in pure spring well water / Fresh sprung from Bethine.”
Mary took her Baby, / She dressed Him so sweet,
She laid Him in a manger, / All there for to sleep.
As she stood over Him / She heard angels sing:
“O bless our dear Savior, / Our heavenly king.”
Church Calendar: Christmas
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