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Handbell – Full Choir

We have pieces for “normal” handbell choirs, ranging from two to eight octaves. If you’d like to suggest a piece, let us know and we can look into the possibilities! Many are hymn arrangements and Christmas carols, but there are many other genres of music represented, including a number of original compositions.

If you happen to have a smaller ensemble than might make these pieces manageable, you should take a look at our more minimalist repertoire for sixteen bells, twelve bells, eight bells, and even six bells!

List of Scores for Handbell Choir

Here’s a quick compilation of our scores for handbell choir (including our sixteen-bell pieces, which are two or three octaves, depending range selected). Each title is a link to the corresponding webpage. TITLE HYMN TUNE Level Oct. Bells Oct. Chimes Comment ABC | DEF | GHI | JKLM | NOP | QRS | TUV | …

A Celebration of Our Life (Handbells, 5 octaves plus 3 octaves of handchimes, Level 4)

A California couple commissioned A Celebration of Our Life for their 30th wedding anniversary, and had their church’s handbell choir premiere it when they renewed their vows. Fun abounds in this piece, as it describes parts of their story. For instance: The introductory melody is both thirty beats long and thirty notes long (not counting …

A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth (AN WASSERFLÜSSEN BABYLON) (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 3-)

The hymn tune AN WASSERFLÜSSEN BABYLON dates from the sixteenth century. It’s from the Strassburger Kirchenant of 1525. We’ve found it to be a bit of an earworm, probably because of its harmonies. We hope you enjoy playing our Level 3- arrangement for three or five octaves of handbells. A Lamb goes uncomplaining forth, The …

A Minor Crash (Handbells, 5-8 octaves plus optional handchimes, Level 4)

We’ve seen the big signs above the freeway: “IN A MINOR CRASH?…” One day Carla said, “You should write a piece about that…”, so I did. This original composition is full of interesting (and interacting!) rhythms. Separately, they’re fairly easy to learn; together; combined, they’re an exciting mix. A set of somewhat simplified pages is …

A Snail’s Pace (Handbells, 5-8 octaves plus handchimes, 5 octaves, Level 5+)

A Snail’s Pace, written with a plush orange-pink-and-purple snail in mind, this original laid-back jazz piece will challenge you even as you relax into its feel! Handbells, 5-8 octaves plus handchimes, 5 octaves Level 5+ Preview: Individual copy: $ US Handbell choir: $ US Purchasing the handbell choir version of this arrangement grants permission to …

A Sparrow on Christmas Morning (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 3+)

Otto Kotilainen’s Finnish carol A Sparrow on Christmas Morning tells the story of a sparrow that has exhausted his summer food supply. In danger of starving in the winter cold, he visits a young girl who offers him a seed to eat. The sparrow gratefully accepts the offer, and then reveals that he, her deceased …

All Things Bright and Beautiful (ROYAL OAK) (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, Level 3+)

Cecil Frances Alexander wrote All Things Bright and Beautiful in 1849. The joyous text and its happy melody are perfectly matched! All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all. Each little flow’r that opens, each little bird that sings, He made their …

America the Beautiful (AMERICA/MATERNA) (Handbells, 3 to 5 octaves, Level 4)

I think of America the Beautiful as a “wannabe national anthem”, because it says so much about what matters in the country where I live. This Level 4 arrangement for three to five octaves of handbells will sparkle in your church service or patriotic gathering. O beautiful for spacious skies / For amber waves of …

Angels We Have Heard on High (GLORIA) (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 2-)

Angels We Have Heard on High is based on the nineteenth-century French song Les Anges dans nos Campagnes and is traditionally sung to the hymn tune GLORIA. The lyric tells us of how the angels came from heaven to celebrate the birth of the Christ Child. Our three-octave handbell arrangement is a very accessible Level …

Angels, from the Realms of Glory (REGENT SQUARE) (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 2)

Angels came from heaven to celebrate the birth of Christ. It’s amazing to compare how it must have been in God’s glorious presence with the humble stable of Bethlehem. Yet they came, and they marveled! Angels from the realms of glory / Wing your flight o’er all the earth; Ye who sang creation’s story / …

As With Gladness Men of Old (DIX) (Handbells, 3-5 octaves plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 3-)

The hymn tune DIX is usually sung with the texts For the Beauty of the Earth and As with Gladness Men of Old (the latter most often at Christmas). For the beauty of the earth, For the glory of the skies, For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies. Christ, our …

Away in a Manger (MURRAY) (Handbells, 3 octaves, plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 2)

The melody in this arrangement of Away in a Manger by James Murray is the one most familiar to Americans. Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head, The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay, The little Lord Jesus asleep on …

Banana Passacaglia (handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, Level 4)

One day on Facebook, a post appeared: Replace one word in the title with “banana.” What’s your favorite handbell piece? With one reply being: Banana Passacaglia And then: I would like for Larry Sue to get to work on this immediately. So, to make a not-so-long story short, it took a couple of days to …

Be Thou My Vision (SLANE) (Handbells, 2 octaves, Level 2)

Be Thou My Vision, usually sung to the hymn tune SLANE, is a heartfelt and eloquent prayer by a believer who wants to follow the path God offers. Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art Thou my best Thought, by day or by …

Be Thou My Vision (SLANE) (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, with Organ, Level 3)

Be Thou My Vision, usually sung to the hymn tune SLANE, is a heartfelt and eloquent prayer by a believer who wants to follow the path God offers. Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art Thou my best Thought, by day or by …

Beautiful Lilies (LILIES) (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 3+)

Beautiful Lilies (hymn tune: LILIES) is an Easter hymn from the turn of the twentieth century. The Easter lily is a symbol of resurrection, and symbolizes the trumpet of victory that proclaims that Jesus has risen from the grave. Beautiful lilies, / White as the snow,
 Speak to us softly / Of long ago;
 Telling …

Beautiful Savior / Fairest Lord Jesus (ST. ELIZABETH) (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, Level 2+)

This song goes back more than a few years, dating to the Crusades. While we’re not into the militaristic part of that bit of history now, Jesus Christ is still just as wonderful and lovely as ever. Fairest Lord Jesus, ruler of all nature, O thou of God and man the Son, Thee will I …

Blessed Assurance (ASSURANCE) (Handbells, 2 octaves, Level 2+)

Blessed Assurance is one of Fanny Crosby’s all-time classic hymns. It speaks of faith, dependence, and triumph through having an absolute reliance on God and His power. Our arrangement is for two octaves, and will be a welcome addition to your ensemble’s repertoire. Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of glory divine! …

Blessed Assurance (ASSURANCE) (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, Level 3-)

Blessed Assurance is one of Fanny Crosby’s all-time classic hymns. It speaks of faith, dependence, and triumph through having an absolute reliance on God and His power. Our arrangement is for three or five octaves, and will be a welcome addition to your ensemble’s repertoire. Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of …

Boat on Lake Tai (太湖船) (Handbells, 3 to 5 octaves, plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 4-)

Lake Tai is a large lake near Shanghai. It’s in a central location, so it has many commercial connections; because it’s quite shallow, it’s a peaceful place to visit. The Chinese folk song Boat on Lake Tai (太湖船) draws a picture of a peaceful scene, where a small boat glides across the water. You’ll enjoy …

Bring Me Sunshine (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 3)

Sylvia Dee and Arthur Kent wrote this happy, charming little song back in the 1960s. It sticks in your mind easily, and even influenced a generation of UK TV viewers on “Morecambe and Wise”. Our arrangement adds a cute descant line as well. Bring me sunshine / In your smile Bring me laughter / All …

Celebration (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, Level 1)

I directed a beginning handbell choir at Saint Francis High School in Mountain View, California in 2006-2007. Alas, we only had our loaner bells for a year (thank you, Area 12!), and then had to pass them on to another fortunate group. This piece, Celebration, was a great starter for new ringers. It’s active and …

Chopsticks (handbells, 3 to 5 octaves, Level 5/6)

There’s a famous story about how a little boy found his way onto the great Ignacy Paderewski’s piano bench before a concert, and, oblivious to the audience, began playing Euphemia Allen’s world-famous 1877 hit Chopsticks. The ticket-holders in the seats were shocked, and angrily wanted the child removed. Paderewski, however, walked up behind the bench …

Come Down, O Love Divine (DOWN AMPNEY) (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 3-)

Come Down, O Love Divine is one of Ralph Vaughan Williams’ compositions. The lyric speaks of the believer’s need to rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength through all of life. Come down, O Love divine; seek out this soul of mine, and visit it with Your own ardor glowing. O Comforter, draw …

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (NETTLETON) (Handbells, 2 octaves, Level 2+)

John Wyeth or Asahel Nettleton wrote the lovely hymn tune NETTLETON back in 1813, and the message of the text Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing that are set to it continues to comfort and inspire Christians today. Come, thou Fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace; Streams of mercy, never …

Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus (HYFRYDOL) (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 2)

The popular Welsh tune Hyfrydol was composed by Rowland Prichard and has been matched to many hymn texts. It’s almost certain that you’ll find it as the melody in more than one place in your hymnal! Hymn tune: HYFRYDOL Find metrically-matched hymn texts Preview: Handbell Choir Version: $ US Also available for 6 accompanied handbells …

Coronation and Triumphant Exultation / Crunadh agus Iolach (handbells, 5 to 8 octaves, plus handchimes, 5 octaves, Level 4)

The Bay View Week of Handbells was founded by Don Allured in 1978 as an opportunity for directors to learn more about their instrument. Over the years since then, it grew from classes and a modest-sized ensemble to a concert event with over 100 ringers in the Bay View Association auditorium. The Week of Handbells …

Crown Him with Many Crowns (DIADEMATA) (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, Level 2+)

Jesus Christ is so incredibly far above everything else in this universe that He deserves all of our love and worship. The hymn Crown Him with Many Crowns gives a small idea of what this means, but His greatness still exceeds any description we can muster. It’s fitting that it’s set to the hymn tune …

Crush Collision March (handbells, 3 to 6 octaves, Level 4)

Scott Joplin’s genius as the King of Rag shines in this arrangement of his Crush Collision March. The music depicts a long railroad track with two steam locomotives and the cars they’re pulling. The problem is that the two trains are headed toward each other at full tilt, and are unaware of each other until …

Day By Day (BLOTT EN DAG) (Handbells, 3 to 5 octaves, Level 3)

God isn’t just interested in what happens in our lives; He pays attention to every moment of every day we live. That’s why we can rely on Him completely in all circumstances and situations. Here is our arrangement of the hymn Day by Day. Day by day and with each passing moment, strength I find …

Doxology (OLD HUNDREDTH) (Handbells, 3 to 5 octaves plus optional D8, Level 1)

The Doxology is sung in churches around the world, often as a congregational response to the presentation of tithes and offerings. We have two versions in our score package based on the hymn tune OLD HUNDREDTH so that you can use the one which is more familiar to your church family. Both versions are in …

Elysium – Susan T. Nelson (Handbells, 3-5 octaves plus optional flute, Level 3)

From Susan T. Nelson, the composer: Elysium (3-5 oct. with opt. flute descant) was commissioned in 1996 by Laurie and Rusty Sanders (and named by Rusty). Originally, it was composed for 3 oct., but they asked me to expand it to 5 when they received the manuscript. The 5 oct. version sports a descant line …

ENGELBERG (Handbells, 2 octaves, Level 2+)

The hymn tune ENGELBERG has been used with several texts: All Praise to Thee, for Thou, O King Divine When in Our Music God is Glorified We Know that Christ is Raised No matter which one you’re singing, it’s an inspiring melody! For 2 octaves of handbells Level 2- Preview: Single Copy Version: $ US …

ENGELBERG (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves plus handchimes, 1 octave, Level 2+)

The hymn tune ENGELBERG has been used with several texts: All Praise to Thee, for Thou, O King Divine When in Our Music God is Glorified We Know that Christ is Raised No matter which one you’re singing, it’s an inspiring melody! For 3-5 octaves of handbells and 1 octave of handchimes Level 2+ Preview: …

Escape from No-Note Island (Handbells, 5 to 7 octaves, Level 5)

Handbell compositions are usually written for note ranges that constitute complete octaves of bells. Having this agreed-on convention between manufacturers, composers, publishers, and performers makes it easier to maintain consistency within the ringing art. For instance, “five octaves” refers to the range C3-C8. Because of this, we start with a common knowledge about the music …

Eternal Father, Strong to Save (MELITA) (Handbells, 2 octaves, plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 3)

Eternal Father, Strong to Save, also known in the United States as “The Navy Hymn” speaks of the dangers of life and how they must submit to the power and authority of God. Its serious character gives assurance in the direst time, and reminds us of our everlasting need for the protection of the Creator. …

Five (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, Level 2+)

I (Larry) wrote Five as a fifth-anniversary gift to Carla. It was first performed by the handbell choir at our church just a couple of days after our actual anniversary date. There’s a little bit of extra fun in the score…see if you can find all the “fives” there! Handbells (three, four, or five octaves) …

Flower Drum Song (凤阳花鼓) (handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, Level 4)

Flower Drum Song Feng Yang Hua Gu (凤阳花鼓) may have been composed as far back as the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 A.D.). It comes from Fengyang County in Anhui Province, and is said to have been sung by people affected by floods in that region as part of asking for donations to recover their living. 左手锣右手鼓手拿着锣鼓 …

For the Beauty of the Earth (DIX) (Handbells, 3-5 octaves plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 3-)

The hymn tune DIX is usually sung with the texts For the Beauty of the Earth and As with Gladness Men of Old (the latter most often at Christmas). For the beauty of the earth, For the glory of the skies, For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies. Christ, our …

Forever (Handbells, 5-8 octaves, Level 5)

Forever was commissioned in 2012 by Dee Allaway and her family in memory of her father Walter Dennis Oliver. It’s a grand tribute to a man who brought music to his family as well as others around him. At least five octaves of handbells are necessary to play Forever. You’ll find that there are abundant …

Friskin’ the Whiskers (Handbells, 5-6 octaves plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 5)

Friskin’ the Whiskers is an original handbell composition for five or six octaves. The style is big band swing. It was commissioned by RiverBells of Sacramento, CA to celebrate twenty years of ringing. Handbells (five or six) octaves plus handchimes (2 octaves) Level 5. MP3: Preview: Individual copy: $ US Handbell choir: $ US Purchasing …

Gaudete! (Handbells, 3-8 octaves, plus handchimes, 3-4 octaves, Level 4+)

Gaudete! is a Christmas song dating back to at least the sixteenth century. You’ll find this arrangement (with optional cajón part!) exciting and fun to play! (For those of you participating in Coppers Classic in March 2023, this is the one you need!) Gaudete, gaudete! Christus est natus Ex Maria virgine, gaudete! Tempus adest gratiæ …

Gesu Bambino (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves with piano, Level 3)

Gesu Bambino (“the Christ Child”) is a Nativity song from 1917. It’s a lullaby for the Child, but also a call to worship for all others as He awaits them at the Bethlehem manger. Pietro A. Yon, the composer, created the melody so that it would mesh perfectly with VENITE ADOREMUS (“O come, let us …

Go, Tell It on the Mountain (GO TELL IT) (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 3-)

The birth of the Christ Child has been an occasion for great joy for centuries. Go Tell It on the Mountain gives us both the command to proclaim the coming of the Savior as well as a song by which to declare it. Go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere; go, …

Greet the Morning (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, plus handchimes, 1 octave, Level 3-)

Greet the Morning, an original work for three to five octaves of handbells, draws a picture of waiting for the sun to rise. The night vanishes gradually as the light of dawn overcomes the darkness. It increases in brightness until all of a sudden, the sun peeks over the horizon and starts the day. This …

Happy (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, plus handchimes F6-C7, Level 4)

We’ve rearranged this Low Ding Zone original composition for (a normal) handbell choir! With a light, bouncy melody and plenty of action everywhere else on the staff, your handbell choir will have a great time playing this piece. Oh… please note that it’s not to be confused with the Pharrell Williams song from a few …

Happy Birthday (Handbells, 3-7 octaves)

Here’s our arrangement of the universal party favorite, Happy Birthday, for three to seven octaves of handbells (add handchimes if you wish!). After much history and (legal!) discussion between forces outside our control, the courts declared some years ago that Happy Birthday, the famous tune by the Hill sisters, was indeed in the public domain. …

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (MENDELSSOHN) (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, Level 5)

We bring you a fresh and unusual arrangement of the Christmas song Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. The irregular meters will keep your ringers on their toes, and will give your congregation a different look at rejoicing during Christmas season! Hark! the herald angels sing, “Glory to the newborn King: peace on earth, and mercy …

Hark, the Herald Angels Sing (MENDELSSOHN) (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 2)

Christmas is a time for angels, who received the very special musical assignment of singing about the birth of the Messiah. This Level 2 arrangement for three octaves will add to your celebration! Hark! the herald angels sing, “Glory to the newborn King: peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!” Joyful, all …

He Leadeth Me (AUGHTON) (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, Level 3)

Having direction and purpose in life is a challenge… but following God can make our walk through this world seem much more reasonable. One hymn on this subject is He Leadeth Me. He leadeth me: O blessed thought! O words with heavenly comfort fraught! Whate’er I do, where’er I be, still ’tis God’s hand that …

His Eye is on the Sparrow (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, Level 4-)

Our heritage of African-American spirituals is a rich one. Give Me Jesus is about how the most important thing in life – or death – is Jesus, our Lord and Savior. In the morning, when I rise, in the morning, when I rise, in the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus. Give me Jesus, …

Holy, Holy, Holy (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 2+)

One sunny Tuesday at the 1990 Mount Hermon Music Conference, Dana Vivit asked “Why haven’t you written anything for the Brass Angels yet?” We’d been friends for some years by then, and so I responded, “Well, name it.” “Holy, Holy, Holy.” “You got it!” Not knowing how to leave the thought alone, my mind started …

Home at Last (Handbells, 5 to 8 octaves, Level 4+)

I’ve written a number of choral pieces for Living Water, my choir at Valley Church of Cupertino, California, and looked through them to see whether any could be arranged for handbells. Home at Last, the fifty-fourth in the set, is about the blessed hope that Christians have in the promise that Jesus Christ will one …

How Great Thou Art (O STORE GUD) (Handbells, 2 octaves, Level 2+)

Worshipers love the grandness of the Swedish hymn How Great Thou Art by Carl Gustav Boberg. English-speaking congregants have had the joy of singing it because of Stuart Hine’s translation work. O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder Consider all the works Thy hand hath made. I see the stars, I hear the …

I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (JESUS, MEINE FREUDE) (Handbells, 2 octaves, Level 2+)

Johann Franck wrote I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say in the 17th century. The music for his hymn is unusual, because it has a minor key verse and major key refrain. The contrast reflects on how the difficulties of life (minor key) are answered by the love of the Savior (major key). I heard …

I Sing the Mighty Power of God (ELLACOMBE) (Handbells, 3 to 5 octaves, Level 3+)

The Bible says that it is the Person and power of the Lord Jesus Christ that holds the universe from falling apart. That’s true not only in physics, but also in our own lives as well. This arrangement of I Sing the Mighty Power of God has some delightful counterpoint that will challenge and enchant …

I Will Arise and Go to Jesus (Handbells, 3-8 octaves plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 5)

I Will Arise and Go to Jesus, this arrangement of the well-known Southern Harmony tune, was commissioned by Barbara Charlebois in memory of her father. Below is a rehearsal video from Distinctly Bronze West 2011 in Bremerton, Washington. Handbells (three, four, five, six, seven, or eight octaves) plus handchimes (3 octaves) Level 5 Preview: Individual …

In the Bleak Midwinter (CRANHAM) (Handbells, 2 octaves, plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 2)

The poem often comes first… Christina Rosetti wrote the words for Scribner’s Monthly in 1872, and then a few years later (1906, to be precise), Gustav Holst set her verse to music. The result: In the Bleak Midwinter, one of the most reflective and well-loved of all Christmas songs. In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind …

Infant Holy, Infant Lowly (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 2)

Every Christmas bring the wonder of the Christ Child in the manger – it’s the mystery of God coming to live among us on earth. Infant holy, infant lowly, for his bed a cattle stall; oxen lowing, little knowing Christ the babe is Lord of all. Swift are winging angels singing, noels ringing, tidings bringing: …

Islamey (Handbells, 5 octaves plus handchimes, 5 octaves, Level 7*)

Mily Balakirev was the senior member of the “Big Five”, a cadre of Russian nationalist composers (in case you’re wondering, the other four were Modest Mussorgsky, Nikolai Rimsky-Koraskov, Aleksandr Borodin, and Cesar Cui). Balakirev spent some time exploring the Caucasus region in southern Russia, and came across the “islamey”, a cultural dance that featured lots …

It Is Well With My Soul (VILLE DU HAVRE) (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 3)

The story behind this hymn by Horatio Spafford and Philip Bliss – look it up – testifies of the incredible peace God gives through our faith in Him, and how He continues to give that comfort to believers today. It’s amazing how one man’s experience and faith can touch the hearts and lives of so …

Jasmine Flower (茉莉花) (handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 4-)

The Chinese folk song Mo Li Hua (茉莉花) dates back to the 18th century, and is one of the most popular Chinese tunes of all time. The title translates “jasmine flower”. Our arrangement is Level 4-, which means your ensemble will have lots of fun playing it. It’s also a great selection for concert repertoire, …

Jesus, Good Above All Other (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 2+)

Jesus is good, and wonderful, and holy, and well… He’s God. What else could He ever be? This is a relatively simple arrangement of the gentle hymn Jesus, Good Above All Other. Hymn Tune: QUEM PASTORES Handbells (3 octaves) Level: 2+ Preview: Single Copy Version: $ US Handbell Choir Version: $ US Purchasing the handbell …

Jesus, Lover of My Soul (ABERYSTWYTH) (Handbells, 3 to 5 octaves, Level 3)

Jesus loves us – that’s the glorious, plainly-stated truth of what matters in life and eternity. Here’s a handbell arrangement of Jesus, Lover of My Soul (hymn tune ABERYSTWYTH) that was married to Charles Wesley’s words: Jesus, lover of my soul, let me to thy bosom fly, while the nearer waters roll, while the tempest …

Jingle Bells (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 3-)

James Murray wrote Jingle Bells in 1857. We understand that it actually was a Thanksgiving song for a children’s play at his church… but history has made it into a Christmas song. That probably makes sense since December is snowier than November in most areas (well… if you’re far north enough). Dashing through the snow …

Kelvingrove (Handbells, 2-3 octaves, Level 2)

KELVINGROVE is an old Scottish tune. Where it appears in hymnals, it usually is under the title “The Summons”. Historically, though, it’s a love song sung by a soldier to his love as he strolls with her one last time before he heads to battle. Here are the first and last verses of the folk …

Kingsfold (KINGSFOLD) (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, Level 2+)

The English tune KINGSFOLD has been matched with many hymn texts. Its solemn/meditative feel lends itself well to thoughts of great depth. One such text is O Sing A Song of Bethlehem; the metrical index search link below provides a way to identify other lyrics matched with the tune. O sing a song of Bethlehem, …

Kum Ba Yah (Handbells, 2 octaves, plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 2+)

Kum Ba Yah is an African-American spiritual, most likely dating back to the eighteenth or nineteenth century. The first known recording of it dates back to 1926, and was a pretty upbeat version of the song that, since then, has become a more prayerful meditation. The phrase “kum ba yah” is a linguistic variation of …

Let All Things Now Living (ASH GROVE) (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, Level 3)

The Welsh tune ASH GROVE is most frequently associated with the text Let All Things Now Living. It can be used as service music throughout the year, but for some has a favorite place on World Communion Sunday and at Thanksgiving. Let all things now living a song of thanksgiving to God the Creator triumphantly …

Let All Things Now Living (handbells, 5 to 7 octaves, plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 5+)

The Welsh tune ASH GROVE is most frequently associated with the text Let All Things Now Living. It can be used as service music throughout the year, but for some has a favorite place on World Communion Sunday and at Thanksgiving. Let all things now living a song of thanksgiving to God the Creator triumphantly …

Let Us Break Bread Together (BREAK BREAD TOGETHER) (Handbells, 2 to 3 octaves, Level 2)

The spiritual Let Us Break Bread Together has simple, yet profound words. It’s a communion song that puts absolute and everlasting reliance on the mercy and grace of God. Our setting for two to three octaves of handbells will bring a peaceful touch to your service or music presentation. Let us break bread together on …

Lift High the Cross (CRUCIFER) (Handbells, 2 octaves, Level 2+)

Lift High the Cross undoubtedly is most frequently sung in churches at Easter (and maybe on through Pentecost), but the message of salvation through Christ rings true the whole year round. This arrangement will be a welcome addition to your repertoire. Refrain: Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim till all the world …

Lift High the Cross (CRUCIFER) (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, Level 3-)

Lift High the Cross undoubtedly is most frequently sung in churches at Easter (and maybe on through Pentecost), but the message of salvation through Christ rings true the whole year round. This arrangement will be a welcome addition to your repertoire. Refrain: Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim till all the world …

Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming (ES IST EIN ROS’) (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 1)

Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming dates back to sixteenth-century Germany. Its lyric combines the image of Jesus Christ as the Rose of Sharon and the Root of Jesse, plus the traditional impression of celebrating Christmas in winter. It was translated to English by Theodore Baker in the nineteenth century. Lo, how a Rose e’er …

Mack the Knife (Handbells, 5-8 octaves, plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 5)

Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill wrote Mack the Knife in 1928 for the Threepenny Opera. Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, and Bobby Darin performed it, guaranteeing its place in our music social awareness. It’s such a happy, bouncy song that you’d hardly know it was talking about a the bad, bad guy in the story. But …

Mahler Swing (Handbells, 5-8 octaves, plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 5)

I fell in love with Mahler’s symphonies a long time ago. They’re gigantic works which stretch the limits (so far…) of how musical expression can be built. As of the twentieth century, they represent the pinnacle of orchestral composing. Mahler’s first symphony is about an hour in length (around three times the length of Mozart’s …

Meditation (Handbells, 2-3 and 3-5 octaves, Level 2)

Here’s a meditative piece which you can play at any time when a thoughtful, contemplative atmosphere is planned. Formerly named “Lenten Piece”, Meditation actually can be used for much, much more than its original concept! We have two videos below. The first recording shows how Tintabulations Handbell Ensemble from Reno-Sparks, Nevada played it. The second …

Mu Süda Ärka Üles (Awake, My Heart) (handbells, 4-7 octaves plus handchimes, 3 octaves, and optional handbell duet, Level 3-)

We had the privilege of tagging along with Campanelli, an internationally-known Estonian handbell ensemble, for a week in 2017. This song, Mu Süda Ärka Üles (“Awake, My Heart”), was a high point for us because there was an eight-bell part added onto their full-choir arrangement by Susan T. Nelson. This is our eight-bell arrangement of …

My Faith Has Found a Resting Place (LANDÅS) (Handbells, 2 octaves, Level 2+)

My Faith Has Found a Resting Place elegantly states the key truth of salvation: It is enough that Jesus died, and that He died for me.” No effort on our part will make a difference either way, because all we need to do is put our trust in Him. My faith has found a resting …

My Faith Has Found a Resting Place (LANDÅS) (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 3)

My Faith Has Found a Resting Place elegantly states the key truth of salvation: It is enough that Jesus died, and that He died for me.” No effort on our part will make a difference either way, because all we need to do is put our trust in Him. My faith has found a resting …

Newness (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 1/2/3)

The Bible tells us to “walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4). It’s all about the beauty and joy of a redeemed soul experiencing God’s love and guidance from day to day and minute to minute. This original piece depicts how that newness feels. With this original piece, you have these options: Level 3: Play …

Nocturne (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 2+)

Nocturne is an original work for three or five octaves of handbells (and three octaves of handchimes). I composed it as an entry in a composition contest, with the conditions being that it had to be Level 2 or 3, and be less than 4’30” in duration. I think you’ll like – or maybe love! …

Now Thank We All Our God (NUN DANKET) (Handbells, two octaves, Level 3-)

In the U.S., Now Thank We All Our God is one of the hymns that makes an annual appearance in November (because of the national Thanksgiving holiday, of course)… but it really can (should?) be played all year round! “Now thank we all our God with heart and hands and voices, Who wondrous things has …

Now the Green Blade Riseth (NOEL NOUVELET) (Handbells, 3 to 5 octaves, plus handchimes, 1 octave, Level 3+)

Here’s a dual-purpose arrangement that you can play as Sing We Now of Christmas for Christmas, or as Now the Green Blade Riseth for Easter! Sing we now of Christmas, Noel, sing we here! Hear our grateful praises to the babe so dear. Sing we Noel, the King is born, Noel! Sing we now of …

O Come, All Ye Faithful (ADESTE FIDELES) (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 2)

The celebration of Christmas centers on the promise that God is always working toward His ultimate triumph. O Come, All Ye Faithful draws us not just to the manger, but to the everlasting future of Christ’s kingdom. O come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye, to Bethlehem. Come and …

O Holy Night (CANTIQUE DE NOEL) (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 3-)

O Holy Night is perhaps one of the most dramatically-presented of all English language Christmas carols. It’s been performed by countless artists, and has been a favorite of many people all their lives. O holy night! the stars are brightly shining; It is the night of the dear Savior’s birth. Long lay the world in …

O Little Town of Bethlehem (FOREST GREEN) (Handbells, 2 octaves, Level 2+)

The Christmas carol O Little Town of Bethlehem reflects the quiet joy of the Savior’s birth. This arrangement is of the hymn tune FOREST GREEN, the melody more often used for Phillip Brooks’ lyric. O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go …

Of the Father’s Love Begotten (handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 3+)

The chant DIVINUM MYSTERIUM dates back to the thirteenth century; we now recognize it by the lyrics: “Of the Father’s Love Begotten”. You can imagine how it would resonate in a stone monastery far off in the hills. Our arrangement starts with an optional statement of the original plainchant which can be played on bells, …

On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry (PUER NOBIS) (Handbells, 2 octaves, Level 2+)

On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry is sung to the 15th century hymn tune PUER NOBIS. It’s traditionally sung for Advent. Our two-octave arrangement of this hymn is published under the alternate Easter title That Easter Day with Joy was Bright. On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry announces that the Lord is nigh. Awake and …

Once in Royal David’s City (IRBY) (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 2+)

There are a number of hymns where the lyrics preceded the music by being written as a poem. Once in David’s Royal City was written by Cecil Frances Alexander, and a year after its publication Henry John Gauntlett composed the melody IRBY that we know and love. Historical footnote: Mrs. Alexander wasn’t a one-hit wonder… …

Peace (Handbells,3-5 octaves, plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 2+)

Turmoil is a standard of life for many. We have the varied components of our lives competing for our attention, often all at the same time, and so there are times when that competition puts us into mental paralysis. Getting nothing done can become an all-too-regular occurrence! The good news is that Christ offers peace …

Praise the Lord, Sing Hallelujah (PRAISE JEHOVAH) (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, Level 2+)

God is in charge of everything. He created the universe, and it’s only because of His power that it all holds together. Yet He’s interested in each of our lives, and even about the smallest things we do. He knows how many hairs we have on our heads, and accounts for each sparrow and tree. …

Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (LAUDA ANIMA) (Handbells, two octaves, Level 2+)

The hymn tune LAUDA ANIMA was written by John Goss in 1868, and is married wonderfully with the lyric Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven. Praise, my soul, the King of heaven; to his feet your tribute bring. Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, evermore his praises sing. Alleluia, alleluia! Praise the everlasting King! Praise him …

Procession and Celebration (Handbells, 5-7 octaves, plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 5)

Shosh Meyer is a friend from Oregon who does marvelous things with the handbell program at St. Matthew Lutheran Church (Beaverton, Oregon). Her love for music in general and handbells in particular has inspired the many, many ringers who have been involved in her ministry. Erik, Julie, and Jan Tate were three of those blessed …

Processional (TCCC 2014) (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, Level 3-)

An original short work, this processional was written specially for the 2014 Texas Conference Choir Clinic at the Lakeview Methodist Conference Center in Palestine, Texas. It’s easy to memorize, and can be an effective part of your worship service! Purchase allows you to make the copies you need for your ringers to learn Processional. Handbells …

Rescue (Handbells, 3-7 octaves plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 3)

Sometimes we find ourselves in what we think is a hopeless situation. Well, we think it’s hopeless, because we don’t have an adequate answer to that problem. It’s those times when God can send the answer in the form of someone else who shares the burden and helps to make sense of life. He provides …

Rhapsody in Blue (Handbells, 5-8 octaves, plus handchimes, 5 octaves, Level 6+)

Rhapsody in Blue, the iconic work by George Gershwin, entered the public domain as of 2020. So it’s time to arrange it for handbells! (Well, this was done some years back, but that version is long out of print.) While none of the sections of this arrangement are of an AGEHR Level higher than 5, …

Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow (Handbells, 3/5 octaves, Level 3)

Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow is an African-American Christmas spiritual. It’s about the message that drew the shepherds (well, at least one shepherd) to follow the Christmas star to find the Christ Child. The spiritual is a “call and response” song – one way it’s been done in many Black churches is to have the …

Rock of Ages (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 3-)

Rock of Ages is one of the most beloved hymns of all time. It focuses on God’s absolute reliability and how those who put their complete trust in Him possess the salvation that He offers. Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood, from Thy …

Sing We Now of Christmas (NOEL NOUVELET) (Handbells, 3 to 5 octaves, plus handchimes, 1 octave, Level 3+)

Here’s a dual-purpose arrangement that you can play as Sing We Now of Christmas for Christmas, or as Now the Green Blade Riseth for Easter! Sing we now of Christmas, Noel, sing we here! Hear our grateful praises to the babe so dear. Sing we Noel, the King is born, Noel! Sing we now of …

Smiles (Handbells, 4-5 octaves, plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 3+)

Smiles, written in 1917 by J. Will Callahan and Lee S. Roberts, is a song about the happiness brought by a dear one’s smile. We have a special, albeit indirect, attachment to this song, because in front of one cottage at the Bay View Association there’s a sign that declares that this cute little song …

Smiles (Handbells, 5-8 octaves, plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 5)(Bay View Week of Handbells 2023)

Smiles, written in 1917 by J. Will Callahan and Lee S. Roberts, is a song about the happiness brought by a dear one’s smile. We have a special, albeit indirect, attachment to this song, because in front of one cottage at the Bay View Association there’s a sign that declares that this cute little song …

Snow (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 1+)

I love living in Michigan. The rotation of the seasons give me something to love every month, and something fresh to do every three months. Okay… mowing in the spring and summer, raking in the autumn, and shoveling in the winter. But it’s exercise, and I’m in better shape for it! In the handbell world, …

Somebody Loves Me (Handbells, 5-7 octaves, Level 5)

Somebody Loves Me, a joyous song by Buddy DeSylva, Ballard MacDonald, and George Gershwin entered the public domain in 2020. It’s our pleasure to bring our handbell arrangement of it to you! Somebody loves me, I wonder who, I wonder who she can be, Somebody needs me, I wish that I knew Who she can …

Squirrels (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, Level 4)

Our garden has lots of large trees. With those trees come many lively, carefree squirrels. They’re a bit like the sparrows Jesus talked about – they don’t worry about things, because God provides for them. I think the Father above knows when even the smallest, cutest squirrel drops to the ground, too. This original piece …

Standing on the Promises of God (handbells, 3 to 5 octaves, plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 3)

Standing on the Promises was one of the hymns we sang often in my first church. It reflects the joy of having Christ as Savior, and the hope of going to heaven. When God makes a promise, He keeps it! Standing on the Promises is available from Handbell World.

Still, Still, Still (Handbells, 2 octaves, Level 2)

The Christmas lullaby Still, Still, Still reminds us that the Christ Child sleeps, and that He sleeps under the watchful eyes of the angels of heaven. Still, still, still, One can hear the falling snow. For all is hushed, The world is sleeping, Holy Star its vigil keeping. Still, still, still, One can hear the …

Stowey (STOWEY) (Handbells, 3 to 5 octaves, Level 2+)

Our arrangement of the English folk melody STOWEY actually gives you three options for how it’s used: As the folk melody STOWEY, As the hymn When a Knight Won His Spurs: When a knight won his spurs, in the stories of old, He was gentle and brave, he was gallant and bold With a shield …

Strollin’ in the Park (Handbells, 5 octaves, Level 3+)

Here’s the story behind Strollin’ in the Park: One day Libbie Randels asked me to write a piece for her handbell choir. Now, this was an unusual group because it consisted of about three dozen seniors. At the time, their average age was 73 – and they were active, happy, and musical. Getting older is …

Sunrise (SUNRISE) (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 2+)

The hymn tune SUNRISE was published in 1768 in Kyriale (Luxembourg). You’ll find it in today’s hymnals with the texts At thy feet, O Christ, we lay and Spirit, Working in Creation. Hymn Tune: SUNRISE Find metrically-matched hymn texts Handbells (three or five octaves), plus handchimes (two octaves) Level 2+ Preview: Single Copy Version: $ …

Sussex Carol (Handbells, 2 octaves, Level 3)

This traditional English Christmas Sussex Carol is also known as “On Christmas Night All Christians Sing”. The arrangement we see in our hymnals is almost certainly the one written by Ralph Vaughan Williams… but the unharmonized tune is far older than that. On Christmas night all Christians sing To hear what news those angels bring; …

Tchaikovsky – The Seasons (Opus 37a) – (Handbells, Two Octaves, Level 3 to 5+)

Nikolay Bernard, the editor of the music magazine Nouvellist, commissioned Tchaikovsky to write a suite of twelve piano solos. They were released, in turn, each month of 1876. Because of the year-round theme, the pieces in this collection were entitled The Seasons, and they have remained gems in the piano repertoire. These delightful works are …

That Easter Day with Joy was Bright (PUER NOBIS) (Handbells, 2 octaves, Level 2+)

That Easter Day with Joy was Bright is sung to the 15th century hymn tune PUER NOBIS. It’s traditionally sung for Easter, but can be played for Advent asOn Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry. That Easter day with joy was bright:
The sun shone out with fairer light
When, to their longing eyes restored,
The_apostles saw their risen …

The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended (ST. CLEMENT) (Handbells, two octaves, Level 2+)

The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, is Ended is about eternity in the “always” rather than the “forever” sense; the lyrics are about perseverance without letup as the Church continues her work night and day. The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended / The darkness falls at Thy behest; To Thee our morning hymns ascended / …

The Final Crossing (Handbells, 3-6 octaves plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 3-)

Many believers have thought of the end of this life as the traversal of a river. “Crossing the Jordan”… “Gathering at the river that leads to the throne of God”… “Meeting on the other shore.” Imagine the clarion call for that final crossing, when those who will be blessed to follow its summons into the …

The Heavens Declare Your Glory (FAITHFUL) (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, Level 3)

Our arrangement of The Heavens Declare Your Glory is generally appropriate for worship services. It also can be played at Easter as O Joyous Easter Morning. The heavens declare your glory, the firmament your power; day unto day the story repeats from hour to hour. Night unto night replying, proclaims in every land, O LORD, …

The Lord is My Shepherd (POLAND) (Handbells, 4 to 5 octaves, Level 3)

This arrangement The Lord is My Shepherd using the less familiar POLAND hymn tune was commissioned by Caroline Harnly in honor of her mother. The Lord is my shepherd, no want shall I know. I feed in green pasture, safe folded I rest, He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow, Restores me when …

This is My Father’s World (TERRA BEATA) (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 3-)

We live in Michigan where there are lots of trees and wildlife. Lake Michigan is nearby, and the cycle of seasons each year keeps life fresh and vibrant. We love it here. That love makes us think that Michigan is “our Father’s world”. You might live in a different sort of area, perhaps the tropics, …

Those Were the Days (Handbells, five to seven octaves, Level 3+)

We’re excited to have permission to arrange the Gene Raskin song Those Were the Days which was recorded by Mary Hopkin in 1968. It’s based on the Russian song “Дорогой длинною” (Dorogoi dlinnoyu, literally “by the long road”). In today’s popular music framework, it’s about youth and celebrating great times. Handbells (five to seven octaves), …

Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne (MARGARET) (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 2)

The absolute humility that the Son of God showed in coming to earth is shown in this Christmas song. He descended from a heavenly throne to start mortal life in a manger, and now beckons to all of us to share in all that He has. Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown …

Tico tico no fubá (Handbells, 5-7 octaves plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 5+)

Tico tico no fubá is a truly exciting Brazilian piece written by Zequinha de Abreu. You’ll dance to this arrangement… but remember that you have bells to play too! 🙂 We also have some terrific percussion parts, created by Alex Guebert, for guiro, maracas, cabasa, tamborim, and claves! Handbells (five, six, or seven octaves) plus …

Tigress Rag (Handbells, 5-7 octaves, Level 5)

Tigress Rag, written in the style of Scott Joplin, was the Second Place Winner of the 2011 Bells of the Sound “All That Jazz” composition contest. The arrangement is for 5-7 octaves of handbells, and is dedicated to Larry’s wife Carla! We also have a version for pianists! Handbells (five, six, or seven octaves) Level …

To God Be the Glory (TO GOD BE THE GLORY) (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, Level 4)

Fanny Crosby and William Doane were a “dynamic duo” of hymn-writing in the decades on either side of the year 1900. She wrote the words, and he composed the music. One of their best-known hymns is To God Be the Glory Personal note: This was the favorite hymn of Larry’s great-aunt Pat! To God be …

Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day (OLD CORNISH CAROL) (Handbells, 2 octaves, Level 3-)

[Tomorrow Shall Be] My Dancing Day tells the story of salvation from Christ’s point of view. This makes the lyrics a bit mystical, because it draws in quite a lot of soteriological (soteriology = “doctrine of salvation”) in the form of Biblical references. However, it presents these references charmingly, because they’re all focused on the …

Twas in the Moon of Wintertime (HURON CAROL) (handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 3)

This is the oldest known Canadian carol. Gitchi Manitou is Algonquian for “Great Spirit”, the Native American name for God, and the lyrics tell the Christmas story as it might have told been near the Great Lakes. ‘Twas in the moon of wintertime when all the birds had fled That mighty Gitchi Manitou sent angel …

Vårvindar friska – Fresh Spring Winds (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, Level 3+)

VÅRVINDAR FRISKA (Fresh Spring Winds) is a pretty Swedish folk tune that more recently has been matched with a hymn text or two, such as “O Living Breath”. Here are the original lyrics for the folk song.

Wait Five Minutes (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 2+)

We moved to Holland, Michigan in the summer of 2016. One of the quick lessons we were given with respect to living in the Midwest was the saying, “If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes”… or three minutes, or sometimes even one minute. Our neighbor across the street told me that there have …

Walking Home (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 3-)

Walking Home, an original work for three to five octaves of handbells, brings to mind that feeling you have when the time to leave work or school has arrived. The special feeling of knowing that you’re headed back to your safest place goes with you and inspires your walk – and the melody in your …

While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night (CHRISTMAS) (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 2-)

It’s always interesting to find that the lyrics for Christmas carols and hymns are sung to different melodies on each side of the ocean. This one, by Handel, is the version of While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night that’s sung in the USA. While shepherds watched their flocks by night, all seated on the …

Winter Dance (Handbells, 5 octaves plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 4)

Seiichi Kyoda composed this wonderful piece. His group Uttara-Kuru performed Winter Dance with a synthesis of traditional Japanese instruments (shakuhachi, koto, etc.) and electronica. The picture is of the citizens of a remote village celebrating life with a community dance. Handbells (5 octaves) plus handchimes (2 octaves) Level 4 Preview: This is not the version …

Winter Dance (Handbells, 7 octaves plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 4)

Seiichi Kyoda composed this wonderful piece. His group Uttara-Kuru performed Winter Dance with a synthesis of traditional Japanese instruments (shakuhachi, koto, etc.) and electronica. The picture is of the citizens of a remote village celebrating life with a community dance. This is the version of Winter Dance being performed at the 2025 Bay View Week …

Winter Wonderland (Handbells, 5 octaves, plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 5)

According to Wikipedia, Richard Bernhard Smith wrote the lyrics for “Winter Wonderland” while recovering from tuberculosis in 1934. That same year, Felix Bernard added the tune that has now been covered over 200 times! This song speaks fun and romance during the cold season, about playing in the snow, and planning for great time ahead, …

WOODLANDS (Handbells, 2 octaves, Level 2+)

The hymn tune WOODLANDS was written by Walter Greatorex in 1919. It’s a melody of grandeur and joy, and has been paired with texts such as Tell Out, My Soul and Filled with the Spirit’s Power. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! Unnumbered blessings give my spirit voice; Tender to me the …

WOODLANDS (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, plus handchimes, 1 octave , Level 3+)

The hymn tune WOODLANDS was written by Walter Greatorex in 1919. It’s a melody of grandeur and joy, and has been paired with texts such as Tell Out, My Soul and Filled with the Spirit’s Power. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! Unnumbered blessings give my spirit voice; Tender to me the …

Ye Jazzy Gentlemen (Handbells, 5 octaves plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 4-)

The inspiration to do something interesting hits now and then. This a la Brubeck arrangement “Ye Jazzy Gentlemen” came into being one day, and I sent it to the erstwhile Above the Line Publishing. Rima’s response was “I don’t normally publish Christmas music, but this one’s so cool that I CAN’T not.” NOW it’s available …

2 pings

  1. […] Level 1. Sheet music for this original composition is available to purchase and download from Choraegus. The full choir license is currently available for the bargain price of just $10! Purchase of the […]

  2. […] of handbells is a straightforward Level 2, and it’s available to purchase and download from Choraegus. It’s one of those pieces where you can just repeat the verse as many times as you need to, […]

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