And the Blood Flowed
Dedicated to Victoria Gong
Ephesians 1:7
The Lord was beaten, whipped, and cursed for many,
His back received the scourging meant for us,
And through His hands and feet were driven nails
that should have transfixed us upon the cross.
And the blood flowed from the Life-Giver,
A torrent scarcely to be quelled,
So transgressors, baptized in that river,
When they believe,
Life receive,
And the darkness in their souls is evermore dispelled.
He hung in shame, accepting our chastisement,
A crown of thorns impaled on His brow,
He was forsaken by the Holy Father,
Who turned His back as Jesus died below.
The Savior yielded up His life to save us,
He bore the judgment due us for our crimes,
And as the risen Leader of the captives,
He sets us free to live with the Divine.
Price: $25.00 US
Church Calendar: Holy Week, Good Friday, Easter
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