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If You Won the World

If You Won the World
Dedicated to Alex Gong
Luke 9:25


Audio Player
Choral score: $25.00 US
Accompaniment track: $10.00 US

In Luke 9:23-27, Jesus tells us that the requirement of faithful service is to take up our cross daily and to be willing to forsake everything for His sake. He underscores this by stating that gaining the whole world falls short of the value of a single soul.

If You Won The World amplifies this thought: You can own everything, you can know everything, you can control everything, you can have all the assurance in the world, but apart from the Lord Jesus Christ there is no hope, no lasting gain, and no eternal salvation.

This song contains two clues. The more directly personal of the two is the reference “if you cured all disease” – Alex’s plan at the time of writing was to become a virologist. The other clue is historical in nature; in the fourth century B.C., there was another Alex(ander) who won his world and then fell into despair for lack of new lands to conquer.

You may want the things of earth in your control,
Riches, fame, and power are your lifelong goal,
But there is more to life than what you can possess,
The Lord desires to give you His perfect righteousness,
You may think you have a hold on life today,
Months and years may be planned out in your own way,
But there is more to life than what you understand,
The Lord desires to lead you by His Almighty hand.

If you won the world, you’d still need Jesus,
If you ruled all the lands, you’d still need the King,
You’d still need a Lord and a Savior
even though you had control of everything.
If you ran the universe, you’d still need the Master,
If you cured all disease, you’d still need new birth,
You’d despair without eternal life in Jesus –
He’s the Ruler of the heavens and the earth.

You may have the answers at your fingertips,
Esoteric facts are in your mental grip,
But there is more to life than what you can perceive,
You have to know the Lord in whom you must believe.
You may put your trust upon your righteousness,
Hoping God will see you’re one He’d like to bless,
But yours is a foundation that cannot stand firm,
You have to come to Jesus Christ on His own terms.

So praise Him, worship Him, the Lord of whom you’ve heard,
Love Him, trust Him, take Him at His holy Word!

Purchasing this score gives you permission to print and maintain the number of copies needed by your ensemble – so you only need to pay once. Purchase also gives permission for performance, broadcasting, live-streaming and video-sharing online. See our licensing agreement for full details, and please remember to mention the title and arranger of the piece on video-sharing sites, social media and any printed materials such as concert programs.

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