Tag: 12-bell

She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain When She Comes – Twelve handbells

She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain is an American folk song that,

She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain When She Comes – Twelve handbells

She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain is an American folk song that, according to Wikipedia, was first presented as we know it today in 1927. The melody is identical to the spiritual “When the Chariot Comes”, so the original spiritual (and possible reference to the Underground Railroad) has been covered by the modern lyrics. As …

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Good King Wenceslas (TEMPEST ADEST FLORIDUM) – Twelve-Handbell Version

The ancient carol Good King Wenceslas is about a king who resolutely sought to make one impoverished subject’s life a bit better on a terribly cold winter night. It’s all about giving in love for others, and while the lyrics don’t directly mention Christmas, its story tells of what Christmas is all about. We created …

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Good King Wenceslas (TEMPEST ADEST FLORIDUM) – Twelve handbells

The ancient carol Good King Wenceslas is about a king who resolutely sought to make one impoverished subject’s life a bit better on a terribly cold winter night. It’s all about giving in love for others, and while the lyrics don’t directly mention Christmas, its story tells of what Christmas is all about. Good King …

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Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (LOBE DEN HERREN) – Twelve Handbells

The title from Joachim Neander’s German 1680 chorale, reads even more impressively in German: Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren. “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” has been a church favorite for many years – after all, our very lives depend on God and His infinite power. Our new arrangement for twelve handbells …

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Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (LOBE DEN HERREN) – Twelve handbells

The title from Joachim Neander’s German 1680 chorale, reads even more impressively in German: Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren. “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” has been a church favorite for many years – after all, our very lives depend on God and His infinite power. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, …

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Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow – Twelve-Handbell Version

Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow is an African-American Christmas spiritual. It’s about the message that drew the shepherds (well, at least one shepherd) to follow the Christmas star to find the Christ Child. The spiritual is a “call and response” song – one way it’s been done in many Black churches is to have the …

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Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow – Twelve handbells

Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow is an African-American Christmas spiritual. It’s about the message that drew the shepherds (well, at least one shepherd) to follow the Christmas star to find the Christ Child. The spiritual is a “call and response” song – one way it’s been done in many Black churches is to have the …

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The Dreidel Song – Twelve handbells

Hanukkah is the Jewish “Festival of Lights”. It commemorates the dedication of the rebuilding of Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem. In particular, the candles of the menorah remember the miracle where a consecrated jar containing one day’s worth of oil was touched by God and provided enough for eight days of light in the temple. The …

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Ma’oz Tzur – Twelve handbells

Hanukkah is the Jewish “Festival of Lights”. It commemorates the dedication of the rebuilding of Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem. In particular, the candles of the menorah remember the miracle where a consecrated jar containing one day’s worth of oil was touched by God and provided enough for eight days of light in the temple. Ma’oz …

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