Hanukkah is the Jewish “Festival of Lights”. It commemorates the dedication of the rebuilding of Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem. In particular, the candles of the menorah remember the miracle where a consecrated jar containing one day’s worth of oil was touched by God and provided enough for eight days of light in the temple. Sevivon …
Tag: 12-bell
Compositions for twelve handbells are typically played by six ringers with two bells apiece, or by three four-in-hand ringers. It's possible to play with other numbers of ringers by creating a suitable division of the twelve bells.
Twelve-bell pieces traditionally used white key bells from C5-G6; complementarily, many sets of handbells in the UK have precisely those notes, often with an added F#5, Bb5, F#6, or A6.
With the availability of more fully chromatic handbell sets, twelve-bell music is now being written in many key signatures.
Hanukkah, O Hanukkah – Twelve handbells
Hanukkah is the Jewish “Festival of Lights”. It commemorates the dedication of the rebuilding of Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem. In particular, the candles of the menorah remember the miracle where a consecrated jar containing one day’s worth of oil was touched by God and provided enough for eight days of light in the temple. Hanukkah, …
Sep 11
Four Twelve-Bell Hanukkah Songs!
A friend asked if we could come up with some twelve-bell music for Hanukkah. We’re happy to say that we found four songs that worked nicely! Hanukkah, O Hanukkah – a lively, happy song about the Jewish Festival of Lights, the annual holiday commemorating the miracle of God’s provision and sustenance. The symbol for this …
Feb 17
Barcarolle (for twelve handbells)
Barcarolle is a well-known boating song. To me, it’s reminiscent of a tour of the canals of Venice via gondola. The gondolier propels the boat with a long pole; some of them even sing as you float along. And all the while, the history of the city and its beauty encircles you. Our arrangement for …
What if you have nine (or ten, or eleven…) ringers?
Are you considering our eight-, twelve-, or sixteen-bell music, but appear to have more ringers than are needed to play? That’s a good problem to have, because it means you’re on the way to enjoying even more music! But if you have, say, nine ringers, that would appear to be too many for sixteen bells, …
Jan 15
How Can I Keep from Singing?
It’s Sunday today, and lots of people are headed to church. We sing a lot at church, whether it’s from the hymnal to words on a projection screen. Some of us know all the lyrics by heart, and that’s a great thing for those days when you need the song but don’t have the hardcopy …
Jan 04
Merry Eleventh Day of Christmas!
We’ve made it through most of the twelve days Christmas, and are approaching Epiphany. As a prelude to that, here’s our twelve-bell arrangement of What Child is This?. Enjoy! Purchasing this 12-bell arrangement gives you permission to print and maintain up to six copies for your handbell group – so you only need to pay …
O Holy Night – Twelve handbells
O Holy Night is perhaps one of the most dramatically-presented of all English language Christmas carols. It’s been performed by countless artists, and has been a favorite of many people all their lives. O holy night! the stars are brightly shining; It is the night of the dear Savior’s birth. Long lay the world in …
Nov 17
O Holy Night – for twelve handbells
This Christmas classic has been performed and recorded by countless professionals. Our twelve-bell arrangement is fairly accessible, and will bring your congregation into the Christmas season with wonderment and rejoicing. O holy night! the stars are brightly shining; It is the night of the dear Savior’s birth. Long lay the world in sin and error …
Nov 03
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus (JEFFERSON) – for twelve handbells plus piano
The words for this Advent hymn fit many hymn tunes such as HYFRYDOL. Here’s our accompanied twelve-bell version on the less well-known hymn tune JEFFERSON. Come, thou long expected Jesus, born to set thy people free; from our fears and sins release us, let us find our rest in thee. Israel’s strength and consolation, hope …