Tag: 3-5 octaves

Newness (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 1/2/3)

The Bible tells us to “walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4). It’s all about the beauty and joy of a redeemed soul experiencing God’s love and guidance from day to day and minute to minute. This original piece depicts how that newness feels. With this original piece, you have these options: Level 3: Play …

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Away in a Manger (MURRAY) (Handbells, 3 octaves, plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 2)

The melody in this arrangement of Away in a Manger by James Murray is the one most familiar to Americans. Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head, The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay, The little Lord Jesus asleep on …

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What You’re Allowed to Do with Music from Choraegus

Here’s what you have permission to do with music you’ve purchased from Choraegus: You have permission to maintain copies of the scores you’ve bought in accordance with our licensing agreement. You have permission to perform our music in live (including livestreamed) services or performances. You have permission to record your rehearsals and performances. For pieces …

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Be Thou My Vision (SLANE) (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, with Organ, Level 3)

This arrangement of the long-time favorite, Be Thou My Vision, was included in the Michigan AGO’s gift to their conference participants in July 2019. It combines handbells and organ into an expression of praise; we hope you’ll enjoy it! MP3: Purchasing the handbell choir version of this arrangement grants permission to print and maintain up …

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Be Thou My Vision (SLANE) (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, with Organ, Level 3)

Be Thou My Vision, usually sung to the hymn tune SLANE, is a heartfelt and eloquent prayer by a believer who wants to follow the path God offers. Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art Thou my best Thought, by day or by …

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Peace (Handbells,3-5 octaves, plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 2+)

Turmoil is a standard of life for many. We have the varied components of our lives competing for our attention, often all at the same time, and so there are times when that competition puts us into mental paralysis. Getting nothing done can become an all-too-regular occurrence! The good news is that Christ offers peace …

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Newsflash! New cajón part for “Ye Jazzy Gentlemen”!

Our handbell choir arrangement Ye Jazzy Gentlemen has been crying out for the addition of a percussion part for a long time now, so we’ve (finally…) added one for cajón! Do take a look, and enjoy! MP3:

He Leadeth Me (AUGHTON) (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, Level 3)

Having direction and purpose in life is a challenge… but following God can make our walk through this world seem much more reasonable. One hymn on this subject is He Leadeth Me. He leadeth me: O blessed thought! O words with heavenly comfort fraught! Whate’er I do, where’er I be, still ’tis God’s hand that …

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As With Gladness Men of Old (DIX) (Handbells, 3-5 octaves plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 3-)

The hymn tune DIX is usually sung with the texts For the Beauty of the Earth and As with Gladness Men of Old (the latter most often at Christmas). For the beauty of the earth, For the glory of the skies, For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies. Christ, our …

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Stowey (STOWEY) (Handbells, 3 to 5 octaves, Level 2+)

Our arrangement of the English folk melody STOWEY actually gives you three options for how it’s used: As the folk melody STOWEY, As the hymn When a Knight Won His Spurs: When a knight won his spurs, in the stories of old, He was gentle and brave, he was gallant and bold With a shield …

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