Tag: 5+ octaves

Tico tico no fubá (Handbells, 5-7 octaves plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 5+)

Tico tico no fubá is a truly exciting Brazilian piece written by Zequinha de Abreu. You’ll dance to this arrangement… but remember that you have bells to play too! 🙂 We also have some terrific percussion parts, created by Alex Guebert, for guiro, maracas, cabasa, tamborim, and claves! Handbells (five, six, or seven octaves) plus …

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A Snail’s Pace (Handbells, 5-8 octaves plus handchimes, 5 octaves, Level 5+)

A Snail’s Pace, written with a plush orange-pink-and-purple snail in mind, this original laid-back jazz piece will challenge you even as you relax into its feel! Handbells, 5-8 octaves plus handchimes, 5 octaves Level 5+ Preview: Individual copy: $ US Handbell choir: $ US Purchasing the handbell choir version of this arrangement grants permission to …

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I Will Arise and Go to Jesus (Handbells, 3-8 octaves plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 5)

I Will Arise and Go to Jesus, this arrangement of the well-known Southern Harmony tune, was commissioned by Barbara Charlebois in memory of her father. Below is a rehearsal video from Distinctly Bronze West 2011 in Bremerton, Washington. Handbells (three, four, five, six, seven, or eight octaves) plus handchimes (3 octaves) Level 5 Preview: Individual …

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Tigress Rag (Handbells, 5-7 octaves, Level 5)

Tigress Rag, written in the style of Scott Joplin, was the Second Place Winner of the 2011 Bells of the Sound “All That Jazz” composition contest. The arrangement is for 5-7 octaves of handbells, and is dedicated to Larry’s wife Carla! We also have a version for pianists! Handbells (five, six, or seven octaves) Level …

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