Tag: AGEHR Level 3

As With Gladness Men of Old (DIX) (Handbells, 3-5 octaves plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 3-)

The hymn tune DIX is usually sung with the texts For the Beauty of the Earth and As with Gladness Men of Old (the latter most often at Christmas). For the beauty of the earth, For the glory of the skies, For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies. Christ, our …

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Sing We Now of Christmas (NOEL NOUVELET) (Handbells, 3 to 5 octaves, plus handchimes, 1 octave, Level 3+)

Here’s a dual-purpose arrangement that you can play as Sing We Now of Christmas for Christmas, or as Now the Green Blade Riseth for Easter! Sing we now of Christmas, Noel, sing we here! Hear our grateful praises to the babe so dear. Sing we Noel, the King is born, Noel! Sing we now of …

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A few years back, we published a 2-3 octave arrangement of the Scottish melody KELVINGROVE (also known in modern hymnody as The Summons/Will You Come and Follow Me). Our attempts to get a video of it being played failed back then, and so we had to settle for an MP3. However, the handbell choir at …

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Mu Süda Ärka Üles (Awake, My Heart) (handbells, 4-7 octaves plus handchimes, 3 octaves, and optional handbell duet, Level 3-)

We had the privilege of tagging along with Campanelli, an internationally-known Estonian handbell ensemble, for a week in 2017. This song, Mu Süda Ärka Üles (“Awake, My Heart”), was a high point for us because there was an eight-bell part added onto their full-choir arrangement by Susan T. Nelson. This is our eight-bell arrangement of …

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All Things Bright and Beautiful

We have a lively new arrangement of this pretty hymn. There are plenty of stopped sounds (mallets, thumb damps, martellati…) to keep your ringers fascinated, and the syncopated melody is delightful. We’re certain your congregation/audience will love this one! Purchasing the handbell choir version of this arrangement grants permission to print and maintain up to …

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For the Beauty of the Earth

For the Beauty of the Earth is our newest arrangement for three to five octaves of handbells plus two octaves of (optional) handchimes. Do take a look at it! Purchasing the handbell choir version of this arrangement grants permission to print and maintain up to fifteen copies for your handbell ensemble; purchasing the single copy …

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Let All Things Now Living – more accessible, just as much fun…

A few years back, I wrote an arrangement of Let All Things Now Living in the unusual time signature of 11/8. That alone elevated it to an AGEHR Level 5+, but despite that it’s still making the rounds with advanced ringers. It was time to offer something for those who aspire (but, perhaps, are still …

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Let All Things Now Living (ASH GROVE) (Handbells, 3 or 5 octaves, Level 3)

The Welsh tune ASH GROVE is most frequently associated with the text Let All Things Now Living. It can be used as service music throughout the year, but for some has a favorite place on World Communion Sunday and at Thanksgiving. Let all things now living a song of thanksgiving to God the Creator triumphantly …

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How to Purchase Music from Choraegus

It’s simple! Find each piece of music that you want to buy, and press the “Add to Cart” button to put it into your (electronic) shopping cart. Check the quantity of each piece you’re ordering to be sure you’re getting the correct number for your needs. For details, please see our Licensing Agreement. When you’ve …

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Elysium – Susan T. Nelson (Handbells, 3-5 octaves plus optional flute, Level 3)

From Susan T. Nelson, the composer: Elysium (3-5 oct. with opt. flute descant) was commissioned in 1996 by Laurie and Rusty Sanders (and named by Rusty). Originally, it was composed for 3 oct., but they asked me to expand it to 5 when they received the manuscript. The 5 oct. version sports a descant line …

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