Tag: AGEHR Level 4

Happy (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, plus handchimes F6-C7, Level 4)

We’ve rearranged this Low Ding Zone original composition for (a normal) handbell choir! With a light, bouncy melody and plenty of action everywhere else on the staff, your handbell choir will have a great time playing this piece. By the way… please note that it’s not to be confused with the Pharrell Williams song from …

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Happy (Handbells, 3-5 octaves, plus handchimes F6-C7, Level 4)

We’ve rearranged this Low Ding Zone original composition for (a normal) handbell choir! With a light, bouncy melody and plenty of action everywhere else on the staff, your handbell choir will have a great time playing this piece. Oh… please note that it’s not to be confused with the Pharrell Williams song from a few …

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What You’re Allowed to Do with Music from Choraegus

Here’s what you have permission to do with music you’ve purchased from Choraegus: You have permission to maintain copies of the scores you’ve bought in accordance with our licensing agreement. You have permission to perform our music in live (including livestreamed) services or performances. You have permission to record your rehearsals and performances. For pieces …

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Newsflash! New cajón part for “Ye Jazzy Gentlemen”!

Our handbell choir arrangement Ye Jazzy Gentlemen has been crying out for the addition of a percussion part for a long time now, so we’ve (finally…) added one for cajón! Do take a look, and enjoy! MP3:

Home at Last (Handbells, 5 to 8 octaves, Level 4+)

I’ve written a number of choral pieces for Living Water, my choir at Valley Church of Cupertino, California, and looked through them to see whether any could be arranged for handbells. Home at Last, the fifty-fourth in the set, is about the blessed hope that Christians have in the promise that Jesus Christ will one …

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A Minor Crash

No… we didn’t have a site problem. This is about an already-available piece for which we finally got a video. A Minor Crash is an original work for five to eight octaves of handbells (plus three octaves of optional chimes). Larry had the privilege of leading the Area 8 BronzeFest ensemble in its first-ever performance …

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Winter Dance (Handbells, 5 octaves plus handchimes, 2 octaves, Level 4)

Seiichi Kyoda composed this wonderful piece. His group Uttara-Kuru performed Winter Dance with a synthesis of traditional Japanese instruments (shakuhachi, koto, etc.) and electronica. The picture is of the citizens of a remote village celebrating life with a community dance. Handbells (5 octaves) plus handchimes (2 octaves) Level 4 Preview: This is not the version …

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How to Purchase Music from Choraegus

It’s simple! Find each piece of music that you want to buy, and press the “Add to Cart” button to put it into your (electronic) shopping cart. Check the quantity of each piece you’re ordering to be sure you’re getting the correct number for your needs. For details, please see our Licensing Agreement. When you’ve …

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A Celebration of Our Life (Handbells, 5 octaves plus 3 octaves of handchimes, Level 4)

A California couple commissioned A Celebration of Our Life for their 30th wedding anniversary, and had their church’s handbell choir premiere it when they renewed their vows. Fun abounds in this piece, as it describes parts of their story. For instance: The introductory melody is both thirty beats long and thirty notes long (not counting …

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Ye Jazzy Gentlemen (Handbells, 5 octaves plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 4-)

The inspiration to do something interesting hits now and then. This a la Brubeck arrangement “Ye Jazzy Gentlemen” came into being one day, and I sent it to the erstwhile Above the Line Publishing. Rima’s response was “I don’t normally publish Christmas music, but this one’s so cool that I CAN’T not.” NOW it’s available …

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