Tag: handbell choir

Low Ding Zone (Bass Handbell Ensemble) Music

At a Bay Bells (Cupertino, California) rehearsal in late 2005, I noticed that we had a team of five bass ringers that was really solid, and asked them, “What if we formed a bass handbell ensemble?” Everyone (Lisa, Kevin, Gretchen, Wil, and me) thought it would be a cool idea, so we put things together …

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I Will Arise and Go to Jesus (Handbells, 3-8 octaves plus handchimes, 3 octaves, Level 5)

I Will Arise and Go to Jesus, this arrangement of the well-known Southern Harmony tune, was commissioned by Barbara Charlebois in memory of her father. Below is a rehearsal video from Distinctly Bronze West 2011 in Bremerton, Washington. Handbells (three, four, five, six, seven, or eight octaves) plus handchimes (3 octaves) Level 5 Preview: Individual …

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Meditation (Handbells, 2-3 and 3-5 octaves, Level 2)

Here’s a meditative piece which you can play at any time when a thoughtful, contemplative atmosphere is planned. Formerly named “Lenten Piece”, Meditation actually can be used for much, much more than its original concept! We have two videos below. The first recording shows how Tintabulations Handbell Ensemble from Reno-Sparks, Nevada played it. The second …

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Tigress Rag (Handbells, 5-7 octaves, Level 5)

Tigress Rag, written in the style of Scott Joplin, was the Second Place Winner of the 2011 Bells of the Sound “All That Jazz” composition contest. The arrangement is for 5-7 octaves of handbells, and is dedicated to Larry’s wife Carla! We also have a version for pianists! Handbells (five, six, or seven octaves) Level …

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Rock of Ages (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 3-)

Rock of Ages is one of the most beloved hymns of all time. It focuses on God’s absolute reliability and how those who put their complete trust in Him possess the salvation that He offers. Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood, from Thy …

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Holy, Holy, Holy (Handbells, 3 octaves, Level 2+)

One sunny Tuesday at the 1990 Mount Hermon Music Conference, Dana Vivit asked “Why haven’t you written anything for the Brass Angels yet?” We’d been friends for some years by then, and so I responded, “Well, name it.” “Holy, Holy, Holy.” “You got it!” Not knowing how to leave the thought alone, my mind started …

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Handbell – Full Choir

We have pieces for “normal” handbell choirs, ranging from two to eight octaves. If you’d like to suggest a piece, let us know and we can look into the possibilities! Many are hymn arrangements and Christmas carols, but there are many other genres of music represented, including a number of original compositions. If you happen …

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