Our piano-accompanied six-handbell arrangement of the Indonesian melody NYANYKANLAH (translated as “Hallelujah!”) provides an opportunity to play as a two-bells-each trio. Another possibility is to play as a duet where one ringer plays four bells and the other (perhaps a younger/newer player!) plays two bells. The six bells in the score are accompanied by piano; …
Tag: handbell ensemble
This composition is for handbell ensemble. The pitch range depends on the whim of the composer; there are pieces of this type for all ranges of handbells. The number of ringers can also vary quite a bit, but the general rule is that this number is smaller than that of a full-sized handbell choir.
Aug 13
Let All Things Now Living (THE ASH GROVE) – for eight handbells
You’ll enjoy playing this eight-bell arrangement of the ASH GROVE! It’s often encountered in hymnody as Let All Things Now Living. Let all things now living a song of thanksgiving to God the Creator triumphantly raise, who fashioned and made us, protected and stayed us, who guides us and leads to the end of our …
Aug 10
Be Thou My Vision (SLANE) – for eight accompanied handbells
Our piano-accompanied eight-handbell arrangement Be Thou My Vision will work well with your small handbell ensemble (duet, trio, or quartet)! Historical note: This arrangement came into being because Steve in Maryland bought some music in early July 2020, and mentioned that he was hoping to find an arrangement of Be Thou My Vision for eight …
Aug 06
Christ, the Life of All the Living (JESU, MEINES LEBENS LEBEN) – for eight handbells
Trusting in Christ is life… not just avoiding death, or being alive forever, but life that transcends anything that it would be without Him, and a blessed eternity in His glorious presence. Here’s our eight-bell arrangement of this hymn about trusting God. Christ, the life of all the living, / Christ, the death of death, …
Aug 03
Kingsfold – for six handbells and piano
This venerable English tune, placed into the modern hymnody by Ralph Vaughan Williams in 1906, takes on a new introspective feel in our eight-bell arrangement. It also is known as Star of the County Down. Our piano-accompanied six-handbell arrangement of the hymn tune KINGSFOLD provides an opportunity to play as a two-bells-each trio. Another possibility …
Jul 27
Hyfrydol – for six handbells and piano
This popular Welsh tune was composed by Rowland Prichard and has been matched to many hymn texts. Our piano-accompanied six-handbell arrangement of the hymn tune HYFRYDOL provides an opportunity to play as a two-bells-each trio. Another possibility is to play as a duet where one ringer plays four bells and the other (perhaps a younger/newer …
Jul 23
King of the Fairies – for eight handbells
We’ve (finally!) gotten round to releasing our third hornpipe arrangement – have fun!
Jul 20
Silent Night – for six handbells, accompanied
Franz Gruber’s lovely carol has enchanted people for two centuries. In case you happen to visit Oberdorf von Salzburg, Austria, you can see the original Silent Night Chapel there. Or… if you’re in the Great Lakes region, you can see the Silent Night Chapel modeled after it in Frankenmuth, Michigan! Silent night! Holy night! / …
Jul 16
Al die willen te kaap’ren varen – for eight handbells
Clearly, there’s a tiny bit of (ancient) gender bias when you announce “all who want to be privateers, must be bearded men”. But eating rancid bread doesn’t sound like much fun. Perhaps it’s a somewhat silly song in today’s world, but our eight-handbell arrangement is fun to play! Al die willen te kaap’ren varen Moeten …
Jul 13
Creator of the Stars of Night (CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM) – for six accompanied handbells
This 7th century Latin hymn was translated into English by John M. Neale in 1852. Creator of the stars of night, Thy people’s everlasting light, Jesu, Redeemer, save us all, And hear Thy servants when they call. Our piano-accompanied six-handbell arrangement of the 7th-century Latin hymn Creator of the Stars of Night provides an opportunity …