We had the privilege of playing the opening concert at an event sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America’s Area 5 on Mackinac Island in April 2018. It was an opportunity for us to get to know and to share with our fellow handbell musicians from the northern Midwest Our arrangement of MORNING SONG was one …
Tag: handbell ensemble
This composition is for handbell ensemble. The pitch range depends on the whim of the composer; there are pieces of this type for all ranges of handbells. The number of ringers can also vary quite a bit, but the general rule is that this number is smaller than that of a full-sized handbell choir.
Apr 17
Need to play for someone’s birthday?
We recorded our eight-bell arrangement of Happy Birthday a few years ago, but realized that we hadn’t made it available for others to play. Since it’s only eight bars long and takes less than a minute to play, we’ve decided to make it free to anyone who would like to get it. Have fun!
Feb 13
Thou Hidden Source of Calm Repose
We all go through difficult, unsettling circumstances from time to time. The hymn Thou Hidden Source of Calm Repose is one of those reminders that God is in control, and that He can make sense of life when it seems scrambled. Here’s our new twelve-bell arrangement of this hymn!
Jan 22
How Great Thou Art – Twelve Handbells
After a great Christmas season (and a very, very busy December), we’re heading into 2018 with lots of music. Today we’re leading off with our new twelve-bell arrangement of How Great Thou Art. We think you’ll enjoy playing it, and that your church families will love hearing it. It’s available in two versions, one for …
How to Purchase Music from Choraegus
It’s simple! Find each piece of music that you want to buy, and press the “Add to Cart” button to put it into your (electronic) shopping cart. Check the quantity of each piece you’re ordering to be sure you’re getting the correct number for your needs. For details, please see our Licensing Agreement. When you’ve …
Oct 23
Accompanied twelve-bell music for Christmas!
We usually play unaccompanied eight-handbell music. Maybe that’s because it’s easier to get together to practice; only two of us have to head to the rehearsal room. However, we do realize that many of you may have larger groups, or might want to include a pianist. So we have a couple of new Christmas arrangements …
Choraegus has loads of handbell music for you to try, rehearse, and perform. We have scores of all sizes: Six accompanied handbells. Two or three ringers, plus piano accompaniment. Eight handbells. Two to four ringers, sometimes with piano or organ accompaniment. Our eight-bell pieces come in two varieties: “standard” and “Surprisingly Easy”™ (sometimes described as …
May 24
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
We’ve gotten a lot closer to settling into life in Michigan – it’s been part of the adventure that started when we moved from California in 2016. Now everything is pretty much in place in our new home, and the blue spruces in the woods are happily growing new bits as spring rolls into summer. …
Mar 07
The Boys of Bluehill
Hornpipes and jigs were two of the exciting additions to our repertoire over the past three or four years. In case you haven’t played many of them and were wondering about thematic structure, jigs often (but not always!) have the pattern AA, BB, CC, DD, etc. and can be chained together to add to the …
Jan 08
And a wonderful Epiphany to you! We’re starting 2017 by publishing a new eight-bell arrangement of the German Epiphany carol O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright. Philipp Nicaolai composed the tune at the end of the sixteenth century, and about 150 years later J.S. Bach harmonized it. We wish you a happy 2017, and …