One sunny Tuesday at the 1990 Mount Hermon Music Conference, Dana Vivit asked “Why haven’t you written anything for the Brass Angels yet?” We’d been friends for some years by then, and so I responded, “Well, name it.” “Holy, Holy, Holy.” “You got it!” Not knowing how to leave the thought alone, my mind started …
Tag: handbells
Handbells were invented in 17-century England as a practice tool for tower bell ringers. They could then rehearse in warmer and cheerier places than belfries - to wit, the local pubs. At some point, someone noticed that it was possible to play tunes (rather than just "changes") on handbells, and so "tune ringing" began. The music available from Choraegus followed the tune ringing tradition as practiced and performed in the modern era,
Bass Ringer’s Notebook, Second Edition
The Bass Ringer’s Notebook has been a reference work for bucket slingers since 2007. This second edition provides updated information, new ideas, and illustrations with matching YouTube videos that show how to perform with your bass bells. Topics include: Lifting Bass Bells – Every note played on every handbells starts with a lift. With bass …
There’s a special breed of handbell musician that craves challenge. There also is another subdivision within the art of those who really enjoy showing that they can do it all. Put the together, and violá, you have a handbell soloist. Our solo scores cater to that very special type of ringer. We have a number …
Handbell – Full Choir
We have pieces for “normal” handbell choirs, ranging from two to eight octaves. If you’d like to suggest a piece, let us know and we can look into the possibilities! Many are hymn arrangements and Christmas carols, but there are many other genres of music represented, including a number of original compositions. If you happen …
Larry Sue
Larry Sue has been a church musician since 1974, when he became the accompanist for his church’s new youth choir. That led to opportunities with guitar, voice (natural-range baritone, but usually tenor, and occasionally bass and alto), keyboards, electric bass, choral conducting, and choral composing. He began playing to handbells in 1987 at a choral …
I started Choraegus ShareMusic as a way to share my music with the public. My initial impression was that I was arriving a bit late in the game. What I didn’t know, being a newbie, was that 1995 actually was still in the beginning stages of the Internet. There were only about 25,000 Web sites …