We’ve revised our sixteen-bell score of Come, Thou Almighty King! We’ve also made a “clone” video so you can see and hear it. Come, thou Almighty King, help us Thy name to sing, help us to praise. Father, all glorious, o’er all victorious, come and reign over us, Ancient of Days. Purchasing this 16-bell arrangement …
Tag: handbells
Handbells were invented in 17-century England as a practice tool for tower bell ringers. They could then rehearse in warmer and cheerier places than belfries - to wit, the local pubs. At some point, someone noticed that it was possible to play tunes (rather than just "changes") on handbells, and so "tune ringing" began. The music available from Choraegus followed the tune ringing tradition as practiced and performed in the modern era,
Come, Thou Almighty King (ITALIAN HYMN) – Sixteen handbells
Come, Thou Almighty King is a grand hymn about our need for the Lord to have our loyalty. The tune ITALIAN HYMN was written in 1769 by Felice de Giardini, who had a thoroughgoing musical career as a violinist and commposer. Come, thou almighty King / help us thy name to sing / help us …
Jan 18
Skye Boat Song – Twelve-Handbell Version
This soothing, plaintive song is about Prince Charles’ escape to the Isle of Skye after his defeat in the Battle of Culloden in 1746. Today we’re releasing our twelve-bell arrangement of this song. Purchasing this 12-bell arrangement gives you permission to print and maintain up to six copies for your handbell group – so you …
Skye Boat Song – Twelve handbells
The soothing, plaintive Skye Boat Song is about Prince Charles’ escape to the Isle of Skye after his defeat in the Battle of Culloden in 1746. Imagine a defeated leader departing the battleground, seeking safety by crossing the water, and hoping to fight another day. In church services, this melody is matched with the hymn …
Jan 14
Lift High the Cross (CRUCIFER) – eight handbells and piano
Lift High the Cross undoubtedly is most sung in churches at Easter (and maybe on through Pentecost), but the message of salvation through Christ rings true the whole year round. This arrangement, for eight handbells and piano, will be a welcome addition to your repertoire. Refrain: Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim …
Ah, Holy Jesus (HERZLIEBSTER JESU) – Eight handbells
Johann Crüger wrote the music for Ah, Holy Jesus, a Good Friday hymn that remembers the sacrifice Jesus offered for our salvation. The singer raises the question of whether Jesus had done anything to deserve crucifixion, and comes to the necessary conclusion that it was their own sin that led to the Savior’s willing sacrifice …
Lift High the Cross (CRUCIFER) (eight handbells and piano)
Lift High the Cross undoubtedly is most frequently sung in churches at Easter (and maybe on through Pentecost), but the message of salvation through Christ rings true the whole year round. This arrangement will be a welcome addition to your repertoire. Refrain: Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim till all the world …
Jan 11
Holy, Holy, Holy – for sixteen handbells
Holy, Holy, Holy has been a window into the throne room of the transcendent Lord for many believers. The text reminds us that He is perfect and unapproachable because of our sinfulness, but it also tells us that God allows those who have put their eternal trust in His perfect gift of salvation to enter …
Holy, Holy, Holy (NICAEA) – Sixteen handbells
Holy, Holy, Holy has been a window into the throne room of the transcendent Lord for many believers. The text reminds us that He is perfect and unapproachable because of our sinfulness, but it also tells us that God allows those who have put their eternal trust in His perfect gift of salvation to enter …
Jan 05
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (HAMBURG) – for six accompanied handbells
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross is, perhaps, one of the most profound hymns of all time. Its lyrics convey the message of salvation in Jesus Christ with an unmatched economy of words: When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss And pour …