Marvelous Grace was a favorite hymn when I was a teenager. The message is timeless, and the singing was always strong and glorious. It’s all about the complete and perfect salvation given to us by the Lord Jesus when we believe. Marvelous grace of our loving Lord, grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt, …
Tag: handbells
Handbells were invented in 17-century England as a practice tool for tower bell ringers. They could then rehearse in warmer and cheerier places than belfries - to wit, the local pubs. At some point, someone noticed that it was possible to play tunes (rather than just "changes") on handbells, and so "tune ringing" began. The music available from Choraegus followed the tune ringing tradition as practiced and performed in the modern era,
Nov 12
Somos del Señor (SOMOS DEL SEÑOR) – for eight handbells
This gentle Spanish-language hymn reflects on the fact that no matter what may happen to us, we belong to God. We hope you’ll enjoy this eight-bell arrangement! Pues si vivimos, para El vivimos y si morimos para El morimos. Sea que vivamos o que muramos, Somos del Señor, somos del Señor. If we live, we …
Somos del Señor (SOMOS DEL SEÑOR) – Eight handbells
This gentle Spanish-language hymn reflects on the fact that no matter what may happen to us, we belong to God. Pues si vivimos, para El vivimos y si morimos para El morimos. Sea que vivamos o que muramos, Somos del Señor, somos del Señor. If we live, we live for Him, and if we die, …
Nov 09
Skye Boat Song – for eight handbells and piano
This soothing, plaintive song is about Prince Charles’ escape to the Isle of Skye after his defeat in the Battle of Culloden in 1746. Our arrangement for eight handbells and piano is fairly easy; you’ll enjoy playing it! Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing, Onward! the sailors cry; Carry the lad that’s …
Skye Boat Song – Eight handbells
The soothing, plaintive Skye Boat Song is about Prince Charles’ escape to the Isle of Skye after his defeat in the Battle of Culloden in 1746. Imagine a defeated leader departing the battleground, seeking safety by crossing the water, and hoping to fight another day. In church services, this melody is matched with the hymn …
Nov 05
O Give the Lord Wholehearted Praise (GERMANY) – for eight handbells
This hymn first appeared in W. Gardiner’s Sacred Melodies in 1815. Here’s our eight-bell arrangement! O give the LORD wholehearted praise. / To him thanksgiving I will bring; with all his people I will raise / my voice and of his glory sing. His saints delight to search and trace / his mighty works and …
O Give the Lord Wholehearted Praise (GERMANY) – Eight handbells
O Give the Lord Wholehearted Praise first appeared in W. Gardiner’s Sacred Melodies in 1815. O give the LORD wholehearted praise. / To him thanksgiving I will bring; with all his people I will raise / my voice and of his glory sing. His saints delight to search and trace / his mighty works and …
Nov 02
How Great Our Joy (JUNGST) – for six handbells and piano
Joy is celebrated many ways. In this carol, the contrast of soft and loud provides a way to show what handbells can do! While by the sheep we watched at night, glad tidings brought an angel bright. How great our joy! Great our joy! Joy, joy, joy! Joy, joy, joy! Praise we the Lord in …
How Great Our Joy (JUNGST) – Six handbells and piano
Joy is celebrated many ways. This “call and response” carol provides a special opportunity to show what’s possible with handbells, because of consecutive phrases that are alternately forte and piano. While by the sheep we watched at night, glad tidings brought an angel bright. How great our joy! Great our joy! Joy, joy, joy! Joy, …
Oct 29
Funeral Tango – for eight handbells
This somewhat twisted Chopin arrangement/tango/twelve-bar blues came to life as part of the final Low Ding Zone concert series. We’re pleased to offer our seriously boiled-down eight-bell arrangement of this work. Red rose is optional, of course.