We can imagine a line of Irish dancers showing off their skills to the music from a brilliant steam-driven calliope with this tune! Our thanks go to David Richardson and Gilderoy House for granting permission to create this arrangement. Alternate titles: Calliope Horse Standard Version: ”Dual-Range”™ Score Package: $ US G5-based practice track: $ US …
Tag: handbells
Handbells were invented in 17-century England as a practice tool for tower bell ringers. They could then rehearse in warmer and cheerier places than belfries - to wit, the local pubs. At some point, someone noticed that it was possible to play tunes (rather than just "changes") on handbells, and so "tune ringing" began. The music available from Choraegus followed the tune ringing tradition as practiced and performed in the modern era,
Beach Spring – Six handbells and piano
The Sacred Harp from the nineteenth century has been a popular source of music for American hymnody. Many hymn texts have been set to the tune BEACH SPRING: Come, All Christians, Be Committed As a Fire is Meant for Burning God of Day and God of Darkness Come and Find the Quiet Center God, Whose …
Jul 02
To the Hills I Lift My Eyes ([HOLY SPIRIT, FAITHFUL] GUIDE) – for eight handbells
The text for this hymn is based on Psalm 121, and it speaks of our reliance on God to lead us through life’s path. There is no other Guide who can and will watch over us so wonderfully. We hope you’ll enjoy playing our eight-bell arrangement of this hymn! To the hills I lift my …
To the Hills I Lift My Eyes ([HOLY SPIRIT, FAITHFUL] GUIDE) – Eight handbells
The text for To the Hills I Lift My Eyes is based on Psalm 121, and it speaks of our reliance on God to lead us through life’s path. There is no other Guide who can and will watch over us so wonderfully. To the hills I lift my eyes; / whence shall help for …
Jun 29
O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus (EBENEZER)
The name Ebenezer means “stone of help.” Jesus is the Rock of Ages, and our Eternal Rescuer; He is the One to whom we must turn for salvation. O the deep, deep love of Jesus! Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free, rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me. Underneath me, all around me, is …
O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus (EBENEZER/TON-Y-BOTEL) – Six handbells and piano
O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus is sung to the hymn tune EBENEZER, which means “stone of help.” Jesus is the Rock of Ages, and our Eternal Rescuer; He is the One to whom we must turn for salvation. O the deep, deep love of Jesus! Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free, rolling as a mighty …
Jun 25
I Want Jesus to Walk with Me – for eight handbells
This spiritual is a prayer for the Lord to stay with us. Well… it’s just as much a prayer that we’d be walking with Him, too! Here’s our eight-handbell arrangement.
I Want Jesus to Walk with Me (SOJOURNER) – Eight handbells
I Want Jesus to Walk with Me is an eighteenth century Negro spiritual. It expresses our need for the Lord as we navigate the difficult times in life. The description of a “pilgrim journey” is remarkably apt, since a pilgrim’s path usually is uncharted terrain. I want Jesus to walk with me; I want Jesus …
Jun 22
Song of Hope/Canto de esperanza (ARGENTINA) – for six accompanied handbells
Our piano-accompanied six-handbell arrangement of the hymn tune ARGENTINA (usually sung in English as Song of Hope provides an opportunity to play as a two-bells-each trio. Another possibility is to play as a duet where one ringer plays four bells and the other (perhaps a younger/newer player!) plays two bells. The six bells in the …
Song of Hope/Canto de esperanza (ARGENTINA) – Six handbells and piano
Song of Hope is a lively, happy hymn set to the tune ARGENTINA. It’s a great greeting or sending song for your service. ¡Dios de la esperanza, danos gozo y paz! Al mundo en crisis, habla tu verdad. Dios de la justicia, mándanos tu luz, Luz y esperanza en la oscuridad. Oremos por la paz, …