Tag: handbells

Flow Gently, Sweet Afton – Twelve handbells

There’s written poetry, and there’s musical poetry. In Flow Gently, Sweet Afton, verse by Robert Burns weds a tune by Jonathan Spilman to become this arrangement, played by Inspiration International. It also is known as the hymn As Rain from the Clouds. Flow gently, sweet Afton! amang thy green braes, Flow gently, I’ll sing thee …

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As With Gladness Men of Old (DIX) – Eight handbells

As you many know, this Christmas carol is sung to the hymn tune DIX (named for its composer, William Chatterton Dix), which also is used for our eight-handbell arrangement of the hymn For the Beauty of the Earth. Purchasing this 8-bell arrangement gives you permission to print and maintain up to four copies for your …

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Two Titles for One Score!

As you know, many (hymn) tunes are used for more than one set of lyrics. HYFRYDOL, for instance, shows up many times, and often several times in the same hymnal! We have a new eight-handbell score based on the hymn tune DIX, which doubles as the music for For the Beauty of the Earth and …

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The “Sleeping Beauty Waltz” for Sixteen Handbells

In February, we made a trip to England to see friends and family. Alan and Gay Cooper were a couple of those friends; in fact, the four of us together comprise the Pizzazz Handbell Quartet. We spent an evening together, and managed to make a rehearsal video of our new sixteen-handbell arrangement of Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping …

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A Glorious Easter!

He is risen! It’s Easter Sunday, and we’ll be heading to church to play eight-bell duets in three morning services in a few minutes. We know many of you will be doing – or already are doing (because we’re in California) this as well, and we hope you’ll have a glorious celebration of our risen …

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Sweet Hour of Prayer

Here’s a new eight-handbell arrangement of the famous hymn Sweet Hour of Prayer. The hymn tune was composed by William Bradbury (who gave us many other wonderful tunes as well – can you name one or two?). This arrangement can easily be transposed to work with choir as a thoughtful, meditative piece for your service.

Sweet Hour of Prayer (SWEET HOUR) – Eight handbells

Prayer is how we keep in touch with God. We pray for salvation, and protection, and guidance, and … well, we pray when life isn’t making sense. We also pray when we’re thankful, and when we can see amazing things happening around us. Add it all up over twenty-four hours, and a prayerful person probably …

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Sleeping Beauty Waltz – Sixteen handbells

Tchaikovsky wrote several ballets. They’ve had a long and wonderful life; in fact, his “Sleeping Beauty” was made into the famous Disney film. One of the well-known pieces from this work is the Sleeping Beauty Waltz. Sixteen Handbells, C5-G6 Score Package: $ US Practice track:: $ US Sixteen Handbells, F5-C7 Score Package: $ US Practice …

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Faith of Our Fathers – New Eight-Bell Music!

As spring rapidly approaches, we’re back to recording more eight-bell music. Our latest release is Faith of Our Fathers, one of the famous hymns of the nineteenth century. This arrangement is easy enough that you should be able to prepare it for Father’s Day!

Faith of Our Fathers (ST. CATHERINE) – Eight handbells

The Christian faith is all about continuity. God has made the Church so that it grows and lives by believers telling other people about His infinite grace and the salvation they can have. Many of us can trace a bit of our “spiritual lineage” through those who made it possible for us to come to …

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