Tag: handbells

The Kesh – Eight handbells

This Irish jig will have you dancing in no time! Alternate titles: The Castle Kerrigan’s The Kincora The Mountaineers’ March Standard Version: ”Dual-Range”™ Score Package: $ US G5-based practice track: $ US F5-based practice track: $ US Purchasing this 8-bell arrangement gives you permission to print and maintain up to four copies for your handbell …

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My Jesus, I Love Thee (GORDON) – Eight handbells

My Jesus, I Love Thee presents the truth of salvation simply: Christ’s giving Himself on the cross for our sins offers us everlasting life, but also demands our complete devotion when we accept that marvelous gift. The hymn also state that truth elegantly; the easy-to-understand words allow the deep truth of God’s love to come …

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Take My Life and Let It Be (MESSIAH) – Eight handbells

Hymnody, the body of hymns that we have and sing, often combines the same words with several different tunes. Sometimes we also match the same melody with different words – it can enrich our Christian musical experience. In this case, Louis Hérold wrote the hymn tune MESSIAH, which also works with the same words as …

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The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came (GABRIEL’S MESSAGE) – Eight handbells

Our Christmas carols come from many places and times. This one originated in the Basque country between Spain and France, and has a lovely, mysterious feel. The Angel Gabriel from heaven came, his wings as drifted snow, his eyes as flame; ‘All hail,’ said he, ‘thou lowly maiden Mary, most highly favoured lady.’ Gloria! “For …

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It’s time for another “Surprisingly Easy” collection!

We’ve been getting some hopeful messages asking about when we’ll be creating another one of our “Surprisingly Easy” collections. One friend even said that she’s found them to be very useful for teaching her ringers “four in hand” ringing, while others have said they’re having fun. So… we’ve just released our third (!) “Surprisingly Easy” …

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Larry and Carla’s Third “Surprisingly Easy”™ Christmas Collection

Welcome to our third “surprisingly easy” Christmas eight-bell collection! We’ve been having such a wonderful time with our Christmas (and other) music that we thought you should have another set of pieces to play for the holidays! You can play this music with two four-in-hand ringers… or you could have four ringers with two bells …

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The Most-Requested Handbell Piece of All?

We’ve finally created an arrangement of Mykola Leontovych’s “Ukrainian Bell Carol”, probably better-known as “Carol of the Bells”. We speculate that it’s the most-requested handbell piece of all time, if only because of the title (and Christmas advertisements!). So if you’re a four-in-hand duet, you can have this in your repertoire and not disappoint those …

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Advent is soon… and here’s another piece to play!

As you may know, plainchant was one of the great expressions of church music. It’s been that way for hundreds of years – and some of the songs from those times are still with us. We’ve set Divinum Mysterium (aka “Of the Father’s Love Begotten”) for eight handbells, and think it will go well with …

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This is My Father’s World – Bass handbell solo

Many traditional and folk melodies have made their way into hymnody. This is My Father’s World (hymn tune: TERRA BEATA, “beautiful earth/world”), speaks of the gorgeous things that God has made in creating our universe. This is my Father’s world, and to my listening ears All nature sings, and round me rings the music of …

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But while you look forward to Christmas… another collection!

We’re gearing up for Christmas (because we have to practice our music now to be ready in time…)! It’s an exciting time of year because we love the holidays so much. We really, really love sharing new music with all of you, because it means you can get something to add to your repertoire as …

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