Rejoice! For Our Savior Has Come Dedicated to Alex Van Den Broeke Matthew 21:1-11 Preview: Price: $ US For once I write a Palm Sunday song! The open fifths are reminiscent of trumpets, the triple meter pulse has the feel of a coronation procession, and the irregular meter (to me) expresses the near-random shouts of …
Tag: Larry Sue
Larry Sue is the owner, composer/arranger, and publisher at Choraegus. He and his wife Carla are West Michigan's Smallest Handbell Ensemble.
Bring My Heart Home
Bring My Heart Home Dedicated to Charlene Jacobs II Corinthians 5:6-9 Preview: Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US Charlene came to California on a two-year visit with her mom,. who was working in a local office. They came to Valley Church, and soon approached me about Charlene joining Living Water. It took almost …
Didn’t Our Hearts Burn?
Didn’t Our Hearts Burn? Dedicated to Brian Emmenegger Luke 24:13-35 Preview: Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US Other arrangements available as a handbell arrangement that can be played with the choral version! Brian served with Living Water, first as a tenor, then later as a baritone. He’s another example of commitment and diligence, …
Give Me a Voice
Give Me a Voice Dedicated to Karen (Chang) Pan Matthew 3:1-3 Preview: Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US Karen is Claire’s cousin – she joined us for her senior year, and really came a long way vocally! It wasn wonderful to watch her getting closer and closer to all of us as she …
Live the Way of Peace
Live the Way of Peace Dedicated to Kristen Loomis John 14:26-27 Preview: Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US Kristen has been a wonderful friend who has a special way to communicating peace to everyone around her. I can see her calmly selling candy bars in the middle of a war zone (which isn’t …
Faith Will Keep Us in Jesus’ Hand
Faith Will Keep Us in Jesus’ Hand Dedicated to Cassandra Payne John 10:27-30 Preview: Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US I thought for awhile about just how to express the thought behind this song. The reason for this wasn’t the deliberation required so much as it was an apparent paradox: Faith is the …
Identity Change
Identity Change Dedicated to Jay Little Acts 9 Preview: Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US What’s your aspiration? The Apostle Paul had the right one – “that I might know [Jesus Christ], and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His suffering, being conformed to His death, if by any means …
No Matter Who Leaves Me
No Matter Who Leaves Me Dedicated to Rachel Nelson Hebrews 13:5-6 Preview: Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US Rachel joined us when she was in junior high, and quickly became very well enmeshed in our ministry. She sang as an alto and later as a tenor, and was well on the way to …
Praise the Lord Together
Praise the Lord Together Dedicated to Ashley Andrews Psalm 100 Preview: English Choral score: $ US Klingon Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US We’re commanded in Psalm 150 (and lots of other places in Scripture) to praise the Lord. Part of that, I suppose, is also calling, encouraging, and even compelling others outside …
God Uses the Small
God Uses the Small Dedicated to Julia Subjack I Corinthians 1:26-31 Preview: Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US God has a special way of showing how He can accomplish great things through people who are fundamentally unable to them. It’s one of the way’s He demonstrates His greatness – He takes Christians in …