Keep Me Pressing On Dedicated to Steve Ross Hosea 6:3 Preview: Price: $ uS Now and then you meet someone who has a unique level of determination to follow the Lord. Not only do they follow Him faithfully, they also inspire others to take the path they blaze.And yet … well, through it all, the …
Tag: Larry Sue
Larry Sue is the owner, composer/arranger, and publisher at Choraegus. He and his wife Carla are West Michigan's Smallest Handbell Ensemble.
Unfailing Love
Unfailing Love Dedicated to Colleen Pringle Jeremiah 31:3 Preview: (Just a note: This MP3 is a men’s chorus voicing of the original SAB score – because those were the voices I could record…) Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US Colleen was with Living Water during my second year with the group. It was …
Things Are Clear Now
Things Are Clear Now Dedicated to Claire Hwang Galatians 2:20 Preview: Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US Claire joined us for the latter half of her senior year in high school, and made quite an impact on us because of the glorious spark of the new life she had in our Lord. You …
In His Will
In His Will Dedicated to Adam Chu Psalm 1:1-3 Preview: Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US I first met Adam at the Valley Church Sanctuary Choir rehearsals. We had a huge tenor section (ten of us – more voices than the basses, and nearly all soloist quality as well!), and I understand that …
Star Chaser
Star Chaser Dedicated to Karen Beckett Revelation 22:16 Preview: Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US Other arrangements available as a handbell arrangement that can be played with the choral version! Karen was one of the Living Water sopranos during my first year with the group. She’s quite a musician, as she also plays …
Set Free
Set Free Dedicated to John Lazenby Psalm 146:5-7 Preview: Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US Face it, we’ve all had our share – or more – of trying to live on our own terms, and many of us have come to the correct conclusion that there’s no way we can be successful at …
Christ Has Come
Christ Has Come Dedicated to Cheryl Daro Hebrews 13:8 Preview: Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US Church Calendar: Christmas Hebrews 13:8 says that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” His character doesn’t change, which means that we can rely on Him absolutely at all times. After all, if the anchor …
You Must Trust
You Must Trust Dedicated to Mike Abels Acts 16:25-31 Preview: (Just a note: This MP3 is a men’s ensemble voicing of the original unison score – because those were the voices I could record…) Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US Other arrangements available as a handbell arrangement that can be played with the …
Forerunner In memory of Mark Fruin Hebrews 6:19-20 Preview: Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US Mark Eugene Fruin March 9, 1971 – December 14, 1994 From my letter to Living Water, December 20, 1994: Mark’s passing was noted in the Valley Bulletin on Sunday. He’s the first Living Water member to go through …
Breath of Life
Breath of Life Dedicated to Sarah Wagner John 11:25 Preview: Choral score: $ US Accompaniment track: $ US Breath is essential, and God gives it to us freely and wonderfully. The breath of life in in you by faith in God the Son, It’s not the kind that disappears, as when this life is done, …