Tag: Larry Sue

LWCP, 2002-2003

LWCP – Time for Memories to Begin With my focus moving so much into handbells over the past few years, and my choral ministry winding down in general, it seemed it was time to let the Living Water Composition Project go. There was a melancholy feel from this realization, but at the same time the …

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LWCP, 2001-2002

LWCP – Other Horizons Open Up I managed to write a couple of new songs… but “only two” was distinctly unsatisfying. So I really need to put out some more effort next season! I decided that a bit of diversion might be helpful;between circumstances and the amount of energy I’d been expending on choral writing, …

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LWCP, 2000-2001

LWCP – Hoping This was another high-load year, especially with going through being laid off for the first (and hopefully the last!) time – the tech sector’s downturn cascaded through a huge number of companies, and so I was a victim of the economic situation. But God continued to provide, and now I’m in a …

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LWCP, 1999-2000

LWCP – A Bit More Progress This was a difficult year to write music because I found myself fairly involved with administrative duties at church, plus all the other “normal” responsibilities I assume and I took a job with a dot-com. But we all know the story of the dot-coms… too bad! Thankfully, there are …

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LWCP, 1998-1999

LWCP – Looking Back I have to admit that I was really, really busy with other things during this season – eight tutoring students, plus some fair level of involvement with my brother’s company as the head geek. But maybe it was good for me… I needed a sort of sabbatical after nine straight years …

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LWCP, 1997-1998

LWCP – Rejoicing The ninth year of the Living Water Composition Project seemed to be more of an extension of the previous year’s work than a separate entity of its own (well, duh…). But in many ways it did indeed have a character of its own. For one thing, two of the songs, “No Matter …

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LWCP, 1996-1997

LWCP – Explorations The eighth volume of the Living Water Composition Project was a more satisfying one. I made time to write a decent number of songs (Volume 7 was a little disappointing in this respect – only!). Also, I think that the music in this set of songs has more of the peculiar charm …

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LWCP, 1995-1996

LWCP – Seeking New Vistas The seventh year of the Living Water Composition Project was a busy, busy one in many ways other than music. I got into working on Choraegus more (and actually made some sales!), worked quite a bit on this website, and returned to the Valley Church handbell choir, among other things. …

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LWCP, 1994-1995

LWCP – More Adventures The sixth year of the Composition Project definitely was an interesting one in that there was a lot more stylistic exploration on my part. The five songs were in Gospel, contemporary, Sixties traditional choral, a cappella choral, and quasi-hip hop styles; I found this to be rather remarkable in retrospect – …

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LWCP, 1993-1994

LWCP – Well-Established Although there were “only” five songs in the fifth volume of the Living Water Composition Project, it was interesting because they covered such a wide style range. The LWCP songs appear to be remarkable in their stylistic latitude, but the new entries this year stretched the envelope even farther. For instance, “Sojourner’s …

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