Eight-Bell Christmas
List of Scores for Eight Handbells for Advent/Christmas/Epiphany
Here’s a quick compilation of our Advent/Christmas/Epiphany scores for eight handbells. Each title is a link to the corresponding webpage. TITLE HYMN TUNE Standard “Surprisingly Easy”™ Accompaniment available In Collection A la Media Noche x x Easy Christmas 3 Angels We Have Heard on High (G major) GLORIA x x Angels We Have Heard on …
A la Media Noche – Eight handbells
Living in this world means getting to rub shoulders with people from many different cultures. We’ve learned that there’s a rich heritage that our Hispanic friends have to share with us. Here’s a carol from Puerto Rico, the title of which, A la media noche, translates to “at midnight”. A la media noche al rigor …
Angels We Have Heard on High (GLORIA) – Eight handbells
Angels We Have Heard on High is based on the nineteenth-century French song Les Anges dans nos Campagnes and is traditionally sung to the hymn tune GLORIA. The lyric tells us of how the angels came from heaven to celebrate the birth of the Christ Child. Please note that there are two “standard” versions; version …
Angels, from the Realms of Glory (REGENT SQUARE) – Eight handbells
Angels came from heaven to celebrate the birth of Christ. It’s amazing to compare how it must have been in God’s glorious presence with the humble stable of Bethlehem. Yet they came, and they marveled! Angels from the realms of glory / Wing your flight o’er all the earth; Ye who sang creation’s story / …
Away in a Manger (AWAY IN A MANGER, James R. Murray) – Eight handbells
The melody in this arrangement of Away in a Manger by James Murray is the one most familiar to Americans. Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head, The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay, The little Lord Jesus asleep on …
Away in a Manger (CRADLE SONG) – Eight handbells
Away in a Manger is sung to several different tunes. One of these melodies is CRADLE SONG written by William Kirkpatrick at the end of the nineteenth century. This is the tune which is most commonly used in the United Kingdom. Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, the little Lord Jesus laid …
Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella (BRING A TORCH) – Eight handbells
In this charming sixteenth-century French carol Bring a Torch, Jeanette Isabella, a young girl is sent to bring a torch/candle to bring light to the stable where the Christ Child sleeps. Un flambeau, Jeanette, Isabelle, Un flambeau, courons au berceau! C’est Jésus, bonnes gens du hameau, Le Christ est né, Marie appelle, Ah! Ah! que …
Carol of the Drum – Eight handbells
In 1941 Katherine Davis took a traditional Czech Christmas carol and set words to it. The story was derived from the title of the source material… and now everyone seems to know it by her title “The Little Drummer Boy”. “Come”, they told me – Pa rum pum pum pum A new born King to …
Cold December Flies Away (LO DESEMBRE CONGELAT) – Eight handbells
This Catalonian carol is called Cold December Flies Away in English. El desembre congelat / Confús es retira. Abril, de flors coronat, / Tot el món admira, Quan en un jardí d’amor / Neix una divina flor D’una ro, ro, ro, / D’una sa, sa, sa, D’una ro, / D’una sa, D’una rosa bella, / …
Comfort, Comfort Ye My People (WERDE MUNTER/PSALM 42) – Eight handbells
In 1671, Johannes Olearius set the opening passage of Isaiah 40 to a melody by Johann Schop, and it later was translated by Catherine Winkworth into English. We love this tune because of its varying meter because it keeps it alive and bouncy! Comfort, comfort, ye My people / Speak ye peace, thus saith our …
Creator of the Stars of Night (CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM) – Eight handbells
The 7th century Latin hymn Creator of the Stars of Night was translated into English by John M. Neale in 1852. It’s a thoughtful plainchant fitting a quiet, clear Christmas night. Creator of the stars of night, Thy people’s everlasting light, Jesu, Redeemer, save us all, And hear Thy servants when they call. Thou, grieving …
De Drie Koningen – Eight handbells
This is a Flemish Epiphany song from the 15th or 16th century. For us, it elicits pictures of the Magi and their long, long journey taken in hope of finding the Christ Child. Laatst waren er drie Koningen wijs Zij reisden alover het sneeuwwit ijs Al over’t land G’heel triomphant, Om Jesus te zoeken; Dien …
De Zak van Sinterklaas (Santa’s Bag) – Eight handbells
The legend of Santa Claus appears in many countries. In Holland, he’s known as “Sinterklaas”. The translation of the title of this song is “Santa’s bag”. “De zak van Sinterklaas Sinterklaas, Sinterklaas de zak van Sinterklaas o jongens, jongens ‘t is zo’n baas. Daar stopt hij, daar stopt hij daar stopt hij blij van zin …
Deck the Halls – Eight handbells
This boisterous – yes… that seems to be an appropriate choice of words! – arrangement of a 16th century Welsh tune Nos Galan is tremendous fun to play. Fa la la la la la la la! Deck the halls with boughs of holly Fa la la la la, la la la la Tis the season …
Ding Dong, Merrily on High – Eight handbells
The sixteenth-century English tune Ding Dong, Merrily on High is quite popular at Christmas. It reflects the joy of the season, and invites us to share in the joy of heaven at the birth of the Son of God. Ding dong merrily on high, In heav’n the bells are ringing: Ding dong! verily the sky …
Es ist für uns eine Zeit angekommen – Eight handbells
The title of this traditional Swiss Christmas carol, Es ist für uns eine Zeit angekommen, translates as “Unto us a time has come”. It’s from the canton of Lucerne, and traditionally has been sung by Epiphany singers (groups that wear costumes appropriate to the coming of the Magi to Bethlehem). Es ist für uns eine …
From Starry Skies Descending – Eight handbells
The Italian carol Tu scendi dalle stelle is lovely, though perhaps less familiar to Americans than others. This arrangement will bring new joy to your holiday services and celebrations. Tu scendi dalle stelle, O Re del Cielo, e vieni in una grotta, al freddo al gelo. O Bambino mio Divino Io ti vedo qui a …
Go Tell It on the Mountain (GO TELL IT) – Eight handbells
The birth of the Christ Child has been an occasion for great joy for centuries. Go Tell It on the Mountain gives us both the command to proclaim the coming of the Savior as well as a song by which to declare it. Go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere; go, …
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen (GOD REST YE MERRY)(eight handbells and piano) – Eight handbells
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen is an 18th century English carol that’s been a source of Christmas celebration for generations. Here’s our arrangement for eight handbells and piano – with a delightful and exciting metric twist! God rest you merry, gentlemen, let nothing you dismay; remember Christ, our Savior was born on Christmas Day to …
Good Christian Men, Rejoice (IN DULCI JUBILO) – Eight handbells
Good Christian Men, Rejoice is a joyous Christmas carol set to the energetic tune IN DULCI JUBILO. This tune is thought to have been written in the fourteenth century by Heinrich Seuse, and its original lyrics are “macaronic” – a combination of Latin and German/English. Good Christian men, rejoice with heart and soul and voice; …
Good King Wenceslas (TEMPEST ADEST FLORIDUM) – Eight handbells
The ancient carol Good King Wenceslas is about a king who resolutely sought to make one impoverished subject’s life a bit better on a terribly cold winter night. It’s all about giving in love for others, and while the lyrics don’t directly mention Christmas, its story tells of what Christmas is all about. Good King …
Greensleeves/What Child is This? (GREENSLEEVES) – Eight handbells
There are many stories about Greensleeves. Some historical references say that Henry VIII wrote it… but it had to be someone else because it was written after he’d died. However, it was “on the charts” by Shakespeare’s time, so it’s been around for quite a while, and often appears during Christmas in the form of …
He is Born (IL EST NÉ) – Eight handbells
The French carol He is Born celebrates the birth of the Christ Child calmly and innocently. However, matters change when this pretty melody crosses over the Channel to be expressed as a lively jig! Our arrangement of IL EST NÉ, done Irish style, will fascinate and challenge you. Have fun! Church Calendar: Christmas Hymn tune: …
Hills of the North, Rejoice (LITTLE CORNARD) (eight handbells and piano) – Eight handbells
Hills of the North, Rejoice is usually sung in the United Kingdom as an Advent song. Here’s our arrangement for eight handbells and piano. Hills of the North, rejoice, river and mountain-spring, hark to the advent voice; valley and lowland, sing. Christ comes in righteousness and love, He brings salvation from above. Isles of the …
Hoe leit dit Kindeke (Cold is this little Child) – Eight handbells
The title of this Dutch Christmas song translates “cold is this little Child’, referring to the tradition that the Christ Child was born during the Bethlehem winter. Hoe leit dit Kindeke hier in de kou ziet eens hoe alle zijn ledekens beven ziet eens hoe dat Het weent en krijt van rouw. Na na na …
How Great Our Joy (JUNGST) – Eight handbells
Joy is celebrated many ways. This “call and response” carol provides a special opportunity to show what’s possible with handbells, because of consecutive phrases that are alternately forte and piano. While by the sheep we watched at night, glad tidings brought an angel bright. How great our joy! Great our joy! Joy, joy, joy! Joy, …
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (WALTHAM) – eight handbells with piano
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day is a pre-Civil War song that sets a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to the tune WALTHAM by John Baptiste Calkin. The theme is “peace on earth, good will to men”, and the words reflect on how hopelessness will give way to glory. The score for our piano-accompanied …
I Saw Three Ships – Eight handbells
I Saw Three Ships is an English Christmas carol that, traditionally, speaks of the story of the ships which delivered the relics of the Magi to Cologne Cathedral in the 12th century. I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day; I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas Day …
I Wonder as I Wander – Eight handbells
In 1933, John Jacob Niles heard a bit of music from Annie Morgan, a Appalachian girl, and used it as the basis of his song “I Wonder as I Wander”. It brings out the mystery of Christmas in a way unique to the celebration of Christ’s birth. This medium-difficulty arrangement for eight handbells provides ample …
In the Bleak Midwinter (CRANHAM) – Eight handbells
The poem often comes first… Christina Rosetti wrote the words for Scribner’s Monthly in 1872, and then a few years later (1906, to be precise), Gustav Holst set her verse to music. The result: In the Bleak Midwinter, one of the most reflective and well-loved of all Christmas songs. We have not only the eight-bell …
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly (INFANT HOLY, INFANT LOWLY) – Eight handbells
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly is a reflection on the wonder of the Christ Child in the manger – it’s the mystery of God coming to live among us on earth. Infant holy, infant lowly, for his bed a cattle stall; oxen lowing, little knowing Christ the babe is Lord of all. Swift are winging angels …
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (CAROL) – Eight handbells
Edmund Sears wrote the words to It Came Upon the Midnight Clear in 1849, and it’s sung on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean (just with different tunes). This arrangement is to the American melody, CAROL, composed by Richard Storrs Willis. It came upon the midnight clear, that glorious song of old, From angels bending …
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (NOEL) – Eight handbells
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear is sung to a couple of different melodies. The tune NOEL is the one more frequently used in England. It came upon the midnight clear, that glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth to touch their harps of gold: “Peace on the earth, good will to …
Jingle Bells – Eight handbells
James Murray wrote Jingle Bells in 1857. We understand that it actually was a Thanksgiving song for a children’s play at his church… but history has made it into a Christmas song. That probably makes sense since December is snowier than November in most areas (well… if you’re far north enough). Dashing through the snow …
Jingle Bells – for eight handbells plus piano
James Murray wrote Jingle Bells in 1857. We understand that it actually was a Thanksgiving song for a children’s play at his church… but history has made it into a Christmas song. That probably makes sense since December is snowier than November in most areas (well… if you’re far north enough). Dashing through the snow …
Jolly Old Saint Nicholas – Eight handbells
Ho, ho, ho! That’s what Santa Claus usually says. Historically, the original St. Nicholas was also known as “Nicholas the Wonderworker”, and he had a love of giving gifts, often in secret. We can imagine that he must have gone about with a big smile – because he knew where the gifts went, and could …
Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine (RESONET IN LAUDIBUS) – Eight handbells
Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine is sung to the ancient hymn tune RESONET IN LAUDIBUS from the 15th century. It tells the wonder of the first Christmas from Joseph and Mary’s perspective. Joseph dearest, Joseph mine, help me cradle the child divine; God reward thee and all that’s thine in paradise, so prays the mother Mary. …
Joy to the World (ANTIOCH) – Eight handbells
Handel wrote the music for this Christmas carol. The first eight notes form a descending scale, which turns out to be the change ring pattern “Rounds” upside down. So… our eight-bell arrangement contains a bit of English bell ringing tradition in that some of the best-known change ring patterns are included in the score. Joy …
Jul, Jul Strålande Jul (Christmas, Glorious Christmas) – Eight handbells
The Swedish carol Jul, Jul Strålande Jul draws a picture of Christmas with gentle snowfall outdoors, and happy families indoors. We heard this thoughtful Swedish carol at a local orchestral concert, and thought you’d like to play it with eight handbells. Jul, jul, strålande jul, glans över vita skogar Himmelens kronor med gnistrande ljus Glimmande …
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (PICARDY) – Eight handbells
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence is an ancient Greek hymn that was translated to English by Gerard Moultrie in the nineteenth century. Its antiquity indicates that it was first sung as a chant (imagine how it would sound within the stone walls of a monastery!). This hymn tune, PICARDY, is the one most frequently …
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming (ES IST EIN’ ROS’) – Eight handbells
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming dates back to sixteenth-century Germany. Its lyric combines the image of Jesus Christ as the Rose of Sharon and the Root of Jesse, plus the traditional impression of celebrating Christmas in winter. It was translated to English by Theodore Baker in the nineteenth century. Lo, how a Rose e’er …
Los Peces en el Rio – Eight handbells
This traditional Spanish Christmas carol has an interesting story in the lyrics: The baby Jesus has been born, and because life has its demands, Mary is described as going about her normal doings in the same say you and I would (well, except for being a parent of the Child who is the Son of …
Love Came Down at Christmas (GARTAN) (eight handbells and piano)
Christina Rossetti wrote the poem Love Came Down at Christmas in 1885. It traditionally has been set to the Irish traditional tune GARTAN. This arrangement for eight handbells and piano expresses her words quietly and peacefully. Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love Divine, Love was born at Christmas, Star and Angels gave …
O Come, All Ye Faithful (ADESTE FIDELES) – Eight handbells
The celebration of Christmas centers on the promise that God is always working toward His ultimate triumph. O Come, All Ye Faithful draws us not just to the manger, but to the everlasting future of Christ’s kingdom. O come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye, to Bethlehem. Come and …
O Come, O Come Emmanuel (VENI EMMANUEL) – Eight handbells
The Advent song O Come, O Come, Emmanuel as we know it today, is adapted from a fifteenth-century French melody, but may originate from as far back as possibly the 12th century. It first appeared in English as translated by John M. Neale in 1851. It’s a prayer by those who hoped that the Christ …
O du Fröhliche (SICILIAN MARINERS) – Eight handbells
O du Fröhliche apparently was written or otherwise acquired by a German composer who returned with score in hand after a trip to Italy (our Roman Catholic friends know it as O Sanctissima). The tune’s been matched with a number of different hymn texts, such as “Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing” (check your hymnal’s …
O Holy Night (CANTIQUE DE NOEL) – Eight handbells
O Holy Night is perhaps one of the most dramatically-presented of all English language Christmas carols. It’s been performed by countless artists, and has been a favorite of many people all their lives. O holy night! the stars are brightly shining; It is the night of the dear Savior’s birth. Long lay the world in …
O Little Town of Bethlehem (FOREST GREEN) – Eight handbells
The Christmas carol O Little Town of Bethlehem reflects the quiet joy of the Savior’s birth. This arrangement is of the hymn tune FOREST GREEN, the melody more often used for Phillip Brooks’ lyric. O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go …
O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright (WIE SCHON LEUCHTET DER MORGENSTERN) – Eight handbells
O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright tells of many wonderful attributes of the Son of God and how apprehension of them leads us to give ourselves to Him in humility and worshipfulness. This sixteenth-century Epiphany hymn was harmonized by J.S. Bach in 1731. O Morning Star, how fair and bright Thou beamest forth in …
Of the Father’s Love Begotten (DIVINUM MYSTERIUM) – Eight handbells
The chant DIVINUM MYSTERIUM dates back to the thirteenth century; we now recognize it by the lyrics: “Of the Father’s Love Begotten”. You can imagine how it would resonate in a stone monastery far off in the hills! Of the Father’s love begotten ere the worlds began to be, He is Alpha and Omega; He …
On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry (PUER NOBIS) (eight handbells and piano)
On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry is sung to the 15th century hymn tune PUER NOBIS. It’s traditionally sung for Advent, but can be played for Easter as That Easter Day with Joy was Bright. Our piano-accompanied eight-handbell arrangement will work well with your small handbell ensemble (duet, trio, or quartet)! On Jordan’s bank the …
On This Day Earth Shall Ring (PERSONENT HODIE) – Eight handbells
On This Day Earth Shall Ring is a melody from fairly far back (1582, to be precise). It’s appropriate for Christmas as well as Easter, and we’ve even been in a church where the pastor made the request “Please play that again next year – it really doesn’t matter when.” On this day earth shall …
Once in Royal David’s City (IRBY) – Eight handbells
There are a number of hymns where the lyrics preceded the music by being written as a poem. Once in David’s Royal City was written by Cecil Frances Alexander, and a year after its publication Henry John Gauntlett composed the melody IRBY that we know and love. Historical footnote: Mrs. Alexander wasn’t a one-hit wonder… …
Pat-a-Pan – Eight handbells
Pat-a-Pan‘s title is onomatapoeic (“sounding like”) in nature, mimicking the sound of a drum. Later on, the lyric “tu-re-lu-re-lu” imitates the sound of a flute. The story is a bit like that of Carol of the Drum, where percussion is part of the worship of the Christ-child. Guillaume, prends ton tambourin, Toi, prends ta flûte, …
People Look East (BESANÇON) – Eight handbells
The anticipation of the Savior’s birth in Bethlehem and the joy it would bring is displayed in this Advent hymn. Our arrangement is lively and exciting, and we hope you’ll envision the celebration that occurred at the manger and in heaven as you play it! People, look east. The time is near / Of the …
Savior of the Nations, Come! (NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND) – Eight handbells
Advent is when we anticipate the coming of Jesus Christ in human form. Savior of the Nations, Come is a plea for the Savior to descend from heaven to set our world to rights. Savior of the nations, come, Virgin’s Son, make here Your home! Marvel now, O heav’n and earth, That the Lord chose …
See, Amid the Winter’s Snow (HUMILITY) – Eight handbells
See, Amid the Winter’s Snow is a beautiful English carol, music composed by Sir John Goss. See amid the winter’s snow, Born for us on earth below, See, the gentle Lamb appears, Promised from eternal years. Hail that ever blessed morn, Hail redemption’s happy dawn, Sing through all Jerusalem: Christ is born in Bethlehem. Say, …
Silent Night (STILLE NACHT) – Eight handbells
Franz Gruber’s lovely carol has enchanted people for two centuries. In case you happen to visit Oberdorf von Salzburg, Austria, you can see the original Silent Night Chapel there. Or… if you’re in the Great Lakes region, you can see the Silent Night Chapel modeled after it in Frankenmuth, Michigan! Silent night! Holy night! / …
Sing We Now of Christmas (NOEL NOUVELET) – Eight handbells
This arrangement is dual-purpose – it can be played for Christmas or Easter! So… if you already have our eight-bell version of Now the Green Blade Riseth, you don’t need to buy it again! Sing we now of Christmas, Noel, sing we here! Hear our grateful praises to the babe so dear. Sing we Noel, …
Slumber Song of the Infant Jesus (GEVAERT) – Eight handbells
Slumber Song of the Infant Jesus is a gentle French Christmas carol. The lyric is simple, short, and sweet, yet profound in its contemplation of what it was like to behold the Christ Child in the manger. Lying amid the oxen mild, Sleep, sleep, sleep my Holy Child. Heavenly cherubim, hosts of seraphim Hover all …
Still, Still, Still (AUSTRIAN CAROL) – Eight handbells
The Christmas lullaby Still, Still, Still us that the Christ Child sleeps, and that He sleeps under the watchful eyes of the angels of heaven. Still, still, still, One can hear the falling snow. For all is hushed, The world is sleeping, Holy Star its vigil keeping. Still, still, still, One can hear the falling …
Sussex Carol / On This Night All Christians Sing (SUSSEX CAROL) – Eight handbells
This traditional English Christmas Sussex Carol is also known as “On Christmas Night All Christians Sing”. The arrangement we see in our hymnals is almost certainly the one written by Ralph Vaughan Williams… but the unharmonized tune is far older than that. On Christmas night all Christians sing To hear what news those angels bring; …
The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came (GABRIEL’S MESSAGE) – Eight handbells
Our Christmas carols come from many places and times. This one originated in the Basque country between Spain and France, and has a lovely, mysterious feel. The Angel Gabriel from heaven came, his wings as drifted snow, his eyes as flame; ‘All hail,’ said he, ‘thou lowly maiden Mary, most highly favoured lady.’ Gloria! “For …
The Cherry Tree Carol (CHERRY TREE CAROL) – Eight handbells
Here’s an eight-handbell arrangement of this medieval Cornish carol. The words tell of how the cherry tree willingly gave of its fruit to the Christ Child. Joseph was an old man, / An old man was he; He married sweet Mary, / The queen of Galilee. As they want a-walking, / In the garden so …
The First Nowell (THE FIRST NOWELL) – Eight handbells
We hear that the tune for this carol was from W. Sandy’s Christmas Carols, published in 1833, and arranged by none other than John Stainer (who is well-known for his wonderful work “God So Loved the World”). The first Nowell the angel did say was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay; In …
The Friendly Beasts (ORIENTIS PARTIBUS) – Eight handbells
The Friendly Beasts is sung to the medieval French melody ORIENTIS PARTIBUS. It’s a story about how the animals in Bethlehem were willing to sacrifice to make the beginning of Jesus’ life on earth easier. Jesus, our brother, strong and good, / was humbly born in a stable rude, and the friendly beasts around Him …
The Seven Joys of Mary – Eight handbells
Mary had, as Jesus’ mother, some very special memories. Jesus was more than a doctor; He healed the sick and raised the dead. He was more than a lawyer; He knew the Law better than the priests did. He wasn’t just a prophet; He was the central focus of Biblical prophecy and its overall purpose. …
The Snow Lay on the Ground (VENITE ADOREMUS) – Eight handbells
English Christmas carols often are lively and sparkly, and The Snow Lay on the Ground is no exception. The pairing of “venite adoremus Dominum” with the end of the melody reminds us that worship should be both a reverent and joyous experience. The snow lay on the ground, the stars shone bright, When Christ our …
Twas in the Moon of Wintertime (HURON CAROL) – Eight handbells
This is the oldest known Canadian carol. Gitchi Manitou is Algonquian for “Great Spirit”, the Native American name for God, and the lyrics tell the Christmas story as it might have told been near the Great Lakes. ‘Twas in the moon of wintertime when all the birds had fled That mighty Gitchi Manitou sent angel …
Ukrainian Bell Carol – Eight handbells
Ukrainian Bell Carol was first known as “Schedryk”/«Щедрик» when Mykola Leontovych wrote it in 1916. And then… in 1941, Peter Wilhousky wrote the lyrics entitled “Carol of the Bells”, the title under which credit is usually given in the United States. We present our arrangement of Leontovych’s composition under its “more original” title. We hope …
Up on the Housetop – Eight handbells
Benjamin Hanby wrote this famous Christmas song in 1864. It’s excited children every Christmas Eve since then! Up on the housetop reindeer pause, Out jumps Good Old Santa Claus Down through the chimney with lots of toys All for the little ones Christmas joys. Ho, ho ho! Who wouldn’t go? Ho, ho ho! Who wouldn’t …
Wassail Song / Here We Come A-Caroling – Eight handbells
The Wassail Song has a bit of history behind it. The Old English “Waes Hail” is a word that expresses hope for a good cider apple harvest… and so a wassail is a drink of hot mulled cider! Okay… maybe this isn’t completely consistent with many of the other Christmas carols we sing, but a …
We Three Kings (KINGS OF ORIENT) – Eight handbells
We Three Kings tells of special visitors on the first Epiphany. Well… in actuality the Bible doesn’t say precisely how many wise men visited the Christ Child in the Bethlehem manger. But it does record that they brought three special gifts – gold, frankincense, and myrrh – so that seems to hint that there might …
We Wish You a Merry Christmas – Eight handbells
If you’ve been around for even a short while, this English Christmas carol will be familiar to you. Do you remember going out in the cold (and if you’re in the right area, the snow), and then finishing your visit to each house by singing this song? We wish you a merry Christmas and a …
Whence is that Goodly Fragrance Flowing? (QUELLE EST CETTE ODEUR) – Eight handbells
QUELLE EST CETTE ODEUR AGREABLE (what is that fragrance?)is a pretty French carol describing the wonder of Christ’s coming to Earth – think of the wonderful scent of a special incense wafting through the air you’re breathing; it’s a representation of all the great and good things – especially salvation – that Jesus came to …
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night (CHRISTMAS)
It’s always interesting to find that the lyrics for Christmas carols and hymns are sung to different melodies on each side of the ocean. This one, by Handel, is the version of While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night that’s sung in the USA. While shepherds watched their flocks by night, all seated on the …
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night (WINCHESTER) – Eight handbells
The WINCHESTER tune sung with While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night comes from Est’s Whole Book of Psalmes from 1592. While shepherds watched their flocks by night, all seated on the ground, The angel of the Lord came down, and glory shone around. “Fear not! said he, for mighty dread had seized their troubled …
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How much does each piece cost?
Hi Gretchen,
When you go to the page for each piece, the price (in USD) will be displayed with the “Add to Cart” button.
Enjoy shopping with us!
Can we stream your music? We have One License and have gone to virtual worship only since last Sunday because of COVID spread. We were already in rehearsal and now may need to change our plans.
Hi June,
Yes! you’re allowed to livestream music from Choraegus. You may also upload videos of your performances to your church’s website or social media accounts provided you include title and composer/arranger credits in each video. You can read our “what you’re allowed to do” page for full details.
Happy Ringing, and stay safe!